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Here's my update that took forever :)

Luke pov

Alex. I love Alex so much. he forgave me. even though I'm a horrible, horrible person. and now I can't find it in me to add to the cuts. he's so amazing. I don't deserve him. I'm meeting up with him- we have four more days before we have to go back to school, and we're going to Disney land! (reggie and bobby and Brittaney are coming too, but their parents are driving them there and we'll drive them back.)

I get to his, and he is already packed and waiting for me. he's so pretty . we get in the car and drive off without a word.

A: I missed you so much.

L: me too.

we talk about nothing of consequence and Alex eventually falls asleep. he's so pretty.

Alex pov

L: wake up!!! we're here.

A: ughhhhh

L: I thought you loved this place?

A: I do. just tired.

Luke helps me up and practically drags me into our hotel room. we got our own hotel room!!!

we get in and Luke lets me lay down and after bringing in our *two small backpacks* bags, he lays beside me.

L: sucks we had to get two beds. the other one's a waste of space-

he grins and kisses my neck, then whispers in my ear

L: unless we really mess this one up that badly.

is it hot in here?

L: chill out Alex! any harder and you'll get a boner

A: shuttup. Im not-

you're a little hard.

L: want me to get that for you?

he gestures towards my- y'know.

A: huh? I-

he laughs and kisses my forehead

L: I wanna go to the park so... you gonna get or should I?

A: I- you should definitely-

he gets up and straddles me

L: you're so pretty.

he moves his position slightly and I'm definitely hard.

L: so pretty.

he circles his hips and I gasp and the sudden movement. he look at me and continues grinding, smiling when I moan

L: you like that?

I just nod mindlessly as Luke continues grinding on me, making my moans louder and my words slur slightly

A: luke-

he keeps going, smiling every time I moan his name, and doesn't stop till we both cum.

L: you're welcome. *smirk*

A: damn. that was reallygood.

L: I know. :) now go clean up I wanna go to the park!

A: fine.

I fake pout and he plants a kiss on my cheek, then continues going through MY bag looking for his phone

A: wrong bag babe.

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