Brandy and brad

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L: I dare you to.... let us go through your phone.

Liz: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! i'll take a shot!!!!!

L: jeez! what're you so scared we'll find

C: yeah what are you- oh never mind.

L: I have significantly less interest in whats on your phone.

Liz: oh shuttup! would you let me go through you and Alex's texts?

L: knock yourself out. cant blame me for what you see though-

I hand her my phone and she practically throws it back at me.

Liz: nope. I don't wanna see!

liz spins the bottle next, landing on Alex.

Liz: truth or dare Alex!

A: truth. I'm NOT letting you look through my phone

L: you got a second boyfriend or something?

random person I don't know: wait are you two dating?

L: no...

A: no second boyfriend though. just death threats from my parents.

Liz: oh...

L: so you said truth...

Liz: oh yeah! tell everyone in this circle who your dating.

A: what?

Liz: its fiiinnnneee! no one cares that much, they're just curious

A: dare.

Liz: booorrrriiiinnnggg!!!!

A: gimme a dare liz!

Liz: fine.

then she smiles real evil-ish

Liz: kiss your boyfriend.

A: I'll do that on my own time.

Liz: do the dare or take a shot! ;)

A: ughhh I hate you Liz!

L: nooo you cant hate your fake girlfriend!

L: you gonna do it Alex? ;)

A: fine.

so I lean forward and kiss him. in front of a bunch of very confused classmates.

Liz: woah chill! we don't wanna watch you fuck!!!

I guess I didn't realize how long that lasted.

we just laughed it off- there were a LOT of people staring... we're in trouble.

L: why are y'all so surprised? you're gay too-

random girl: I always said boybands were gay!

L: who you calling boyband?

Random girl: yeah whatever! I SO called it. can I tell everyone?

L: no!

A: please no!

Random girl: awww why? its 1993! no one cares anymore!

A: my dad disagrees.....

R: ouch

A: eh. its chill, just not everyone is.... chill.

Liz: guys this is a s.w.a.g party. what happens here stays here.

Random girl: fine.

we played a few rounds, even Alex eventually took a shot. honestly I tried to stop him but he said "if he was going to disappoint his parents anyway, he might as well have fun doing it." Im happy he's able to make jokes about it now, but I'm worried. soon enough though we all had enough shots to forget about worries and parents.

Cindy: lets play spinthebottle!!!!

she was slurring, but so was I sooooo..

L: yeah let'sdoit!

Cindy spun first, landing on alex. No.

they kissed. I feel like I should punch Cindy, but Alex pulled away after a second and sat in my lap, making sure I couldn't get up.

C: watch out luke! Ima steal your boyfriend.

L: goodluckwith that. Alex's gay. YOU are gay. me andyourgirlfriendthough, pan.

C: is that a threat?!?

Liz: chill babe! that idiot isn't stealing anything.

next Alex spun, landing on that friend of his who asked him to the dance earlier. apparently she's bi. I don't like this.

she kissed him, but not like Cindy did. really passionately. he pulled away pretty quickly though... I guess he likes someone else.

then she winked at him. nope. so I pinned him against a wall and kissed him with all my jealousy. it was..... cool.....

Liz: woah- keep it PG!!

L: just markingmyterritory

Cindy: ok. we're all a littletootipsy for people under the drinking age. lets go home.

Liz: nooooo

C: end the party and I'll sleep over.

Liz: party's over!!!!!!

we say our goodbyes and stagger out. its gonna be a long walk for three kinds-drunk guys at night, one wearing a skirt. crap.

L: you were quiet tonight reggie... are you okay?

R: yeah. just tired.

A: meToo

what would happen if Alex walked into his house drunk and told his parents he had a boyfriend?

L: I don't know if you should go home like this...

A: yeah prollynot

L: my mom might not let you sleep over again though....


R: you can sleep at mine- luke youtooifyouwant

L: I'm already in trouble.. I shouldn't. take care of Alex?

R: always.

A: idontneedyou to takecareofme

he stumble and almost falls.

A: actually maybeido

so I walk them home and head to my place.

I start to run when I realize I'm drunk, gay and alone in the middle of the night. oh and I'm being followed. I'm being followed?!?!?

run. faster. faster. faster!

then theres someone in front of me. I turn, but there's someone behind me

person: going somewhere faggot?


L: why are you following me?

B: you'll see.

he hits me. hard in the head. then all I see is darkness.

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