No time for goodbyes

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TW: funerals, talk of death, ~trauma~

overall way darker than I intended. 0/10 would not recommend (jk)

Emily's pov

I was sitting in my parlor when I got a call.

could someone have finally have found where my son is hiding???

I know I practically drove him out, but I want nothing more than for him to come home.

I pick up the phone to hear a soft voice at the other end of the line

lady: is this mrs Patterson?

E: yes, yes it is.

lady: ma'am, you may want to sit down-

E: wh-what?

lady: can your husband hear me ma'am?

E: no-

Lady: can you put me on speakerphone, so you can both hear me?

E: why??? did you find my son??

Lady: unfortunately, yes.

E: unfortunately? did he do something wrong??

Lady: no ma'am. can you put me on speaker?

I do what she says

E: I did it.

Lady: ma'am, sir, your son, Luke Patterson, died a few minutes ago on his way to the Hospital.

I drop the phone in shock

lady: ma'am? ma'am are you still there??

mr patterson: we're still here- how do you know its him??

Lady: he and his band where supposed to be preforming at the orpheum tonight.

E: the orpheum?? that's lukes dream-

I can't help but cry. my only son is- he's gone.

lady: I'm so sorry for your loss.

mr patterson: what hospital??

lady: we are at the Southern California hospital. we want you to come and collect the body.

now my husband is crying too.

E: we- we're on our way.

when we get there, we meet up with reggie and Alex's parents. why are they here? and why are they crying?

then we walk into the room and I immediately understand.

they're- they've all-

Mr Patterson: they're all dead??

~meanwhile, in the Wilson residence (bobby's house)~

Trevor pov

Paul is calling me, and I'm honestly excited for my plan to work itself out

Trevor: hello?

paul: trevor? we have a serious problem.

I know.

trevor: really? whats wrong?

paul: the band. they're dead.

trevor: wait- wait what??

paul: exactly. and now your son won't go onstage.

trevor: wait- but- they're dead???

that wasn't supposed to happen- it was supposed to be harmless!!!

I'm happy for you. (julie and the phantoms) (sunset curve)Where stories live. Discover now