Unlikely Alliances

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Luke POV

The wind hits me before anything else- it was a lot hotter in there than I thought. It messed up my hair and made me feel like I could fly. Till I fell. I got a mouthful of dirt despite my efforts to cover my head and my forehead is bleeding. This is great. I did protect my phone though, so I can call someone. I start to dial a number when I hear footsteps. So I take off.

I run till I can't anymore, but the footsteps are relentless. I can't keep going. Then I see a branch- it would've hit me if I wasn't looking around so nervously. So I grab it and pull myself up. I scale the tree, getting as far as I can go. Then I make my call. I can still hear footsteps, but I need to make this call.

L: Reggie?

It goes straight to voicemail. That's alright. I can't expect him to be up at- 3:25 waiting for my call besides I can prolly wait up here till he checks his voicemail.

L: Reggie brad and his friend grabbed me when I was walking home and knocked me out. They put me in this train and when they weren't watching I ran out and climbed a tree so they couldn't get me again but they followed me- Reggie you gotta find me. I know you hate driving but you've gotta come get me. Please Reggie - I'm scared. Please. I'm sorry for bothering you but I think Brittany is behind this and Bobby's her brother so- and I don't want to scare Alex I just- please come and get me Reggie. Please Reggie-

The tree shook, prolly from brad kicking it below and my phone fell. Then a branch broke. I shoulda called the police- or my parents but a part of me still wants to believe these guys are harmless. Too late now. Hopefully Reggie got the message. Hopefully. It's weird, because as I fell out of a tree the size of a small building All could think was "hopefully"

Brad: nice escape fag.

That's all I saw before darkness. Again.

Reggie POV

I know I should have slept, but I kept waking up- I had this bad feeling in my gut. So when I woke up to my phone beeping, I went to check out who sent me a voicemail. I should prolly call Luke after this. My gut feelings tend to be pretty legit

Then I heard the voicemail. Oh my god. Oh my-

A: Reggie? What happened? Ugh my head hurts.

R: Luke- Luke's been taken.

A: what do you mean????

R: they knocked him out and put him in a train and he's in a tree. Hiding. He escaped. We have to go-

A: what?!

Alex runs around, throwing on shoes and grabbing his phone, but I just stand there numb.

A: what are you doing!?!?!? get up we have to get Luke!

A: reggie?!?!? reggie my boyfriend- our best friend is stuck in a tree hiding from kidnappers at 4:46am! we need to save him and I cant drive!!!!!!

R: I-

I put on my shoes, slower than I meant to and we head out the door.

once we getting the car and start to drive, we realize we have no idea where we're going.

A:" wait where did he say he was?....

R: he didn't say.... he said he was on a train...

A: there are too many trains in this city!

R: he said Brittaney was behind it... should we ask bobby?

A: yeah. yeah we'll ask bobby. yeah.

R: why are you better at this than me?

A: you mean why aren't I blacking out? adrenaline. and denial. lets just save my idiot before it runs out.

R: yeah. good idea.

we pull up to bobby's, then we remember its 5am.

A: what do we do?

R: his sister just kidnapped Luke. we ring the doorbell.

A: yeah. ok.

so we do. after we ring the doorbell like 3 times, a very tired and angry Brittaney opens the door.... brittaney's here?!

A: where's Luke?!!?!?

B: why would I know? ooo did he finally cheat?

A: you B*TCH!!! where is he?!?!??!

B: chill dip-sh*t. besides pure the one who stole him- not me.

A: you sent brad to kidnap him, and now he's in the middle of nowhere!

B: I did what?!

A: just tell me where he is!

then bobby joined us at the door.

Bobby: what the- what is going on? can it go on in the morning?

A: no! your psycho sister kidnapped Luke!

Bobby: what?!

B: I didn't- why would I kidnap him?!?!

A: he escaped a train and called us. where is he?!

B: I don't know- wait a train?

A: what?

B: can we talk about this somewhere were my parents won't wake up?

A: sure. try not to kidnap any of us.

Bobby: dude not cool. she said she didn't do it.

B: thank you!

Bobby: you still have to answer for all the stuff you did to them. later.

B: yeah whatever. I just messed with him- I never actually did anything.

we get in the car and Brittaney pulls out her phone and calls someone.

B: mary? where are you? what do you mean in your room- I can hear the moving. ohhh your room on the train. ok. no I just had a bad feeling, wanted to check up on you, make sure your alright. of course! love you too sis. <3

she hangs up

A: so you do know about a train

B: Mary's dad runs a train. he taught her how to drive it. I always wondered why she was so invested in selling me rumors about how Luke would cheat on me and how I should break up with him... and she's homophobic. great. she has Luke.

R: how do we get him back?

B: I know the track it runs on, but it goes all through the country-

Bobby: do you know where it is though?

B: yeah! yeah we can follow the tracks and when we see the train we found Luke! ok. ok.

A: Brittaney? thank you...

B: lets go save him so I can hate you both again.

A: fair.

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