wish I could hold you through it

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Reggie pov

we walked out of school and towards the parking lot in a weirdly comfortable silence. I'm surprised Luke actually got us out of school. he normally doesn't think straight when he got mad. he still had no right to talk to ME like that though... occasionally Luke would glare at me, so I would glare back. overtime Alex would look up though, we would smile at him. we didn't need to upset him even more just because Luke decided to be a jerk now of all times. after a while of walking to god-knows-where, I got bored and started to look around. apparently I wasn't paying attention to my friends before, because when I looked over at them they were holding hands and blushing like- I dunno- something that blushes a LOT. what? were they... together? why didnt they tell me? did they really think I would judge? I literally came out as bi in the second grade- why would they think I cared? is that why Alex told his parents? he wanted them to meet his boyfriend? that doesn't make sense- Luke was with bobby's sister- and he didnt even know Alex was gay! what is happening?

Luke pov

what. is. happening. we were walking out of school and reggie kept looking at me. I figured he was still mad- he should be- I was a jerk, but for some reason I still glared at him. I suck. I was about to break this uncomfortable frikin silence when someone grabbed my hand- Alex?!?!? I knew he was standing beside me, but I almost screamed when I saw him. why was he holding my hand? I- what? I feel like I should have brushed him off, but it was really comfortable... it was like getting something you've wanted for years- wait what? I didnt- why did I think that?- he was just holding my hand- it- friends hold hands all the time- why am I freaking out? he's my best friend- we can hold hands if we want- yeah. we could hold hands if we wanted. it didn't mean anything. why did that last part kinda make me sad though? immediately i acknowledged the fact that friends could hold hands, I looked over to see reggie staring at us and Alex blushing- then I realized I was blushing... what?

Alex's pov

what? what is happening? what do I do? what do I say? what- should I move my hand? what? it felt like my brain was swarmed with that question. what? we were just walking out of school ( I don't know where we are going but Luke seems to) then I grabbed his hand. what the- why did I do that? Im so stupid! and why isn't he letting go? its a nice feeling holding his hand after he saved me from school- its comfortable, and for some reason it makes me chill. so I just walk, holding his hand and probably blushing like an idiot- I hope he doesn't notice- wait why am I blushing? and now I'm panicking again. dang. then I realize reggie staring at us awkwardly... and Luke looking back at him the same way. why did I do that? I don't- I pulled my hand out of his. I didnt want to, but I don't want him to be uncomfortable- I don't care how accepting he is- I'm sure its uncomfortable for a hot straight guy with a girlfriend to hold hands with a fag like me. wait hot? why did I- thats one of my best friends why would I think that I dont- do I ? no- my annoyingly frantic thoughts are interrupted by Luke quietly slipping his hand back in mine. what?!?!? and why does reggie look so shocked? it was platonic! I swear- what am I thinking? I DONT like my best friend. I've had a long day. this probably an aftershock of losing that many pounds in tears. besides, he's straighter than a- I dunno-but he's straight.

Luke's pov

What did I do? Alex saw me and reggie's weird staring contest ( pretty sure he still hates me, but we were both confused as hell.) and he pulled his hand out of mine. he looked so nervous- he looked like he might cry- or puke or something. he was already having a bad day so I figured I should try to keep him happy. also for some reason it was kind of my impulse... so I grabbed his hand. and we continued walking. and reggie continued staring. help. Alex was blushing though and he was really cute- (as a friend can be sometimes.) so we walked. eventually we got to Alex's favorite ice cream store, and judging by the look on their faces, I forgot to tell them where we were going. dang. I knew I forgot something- I'm dumb. the way that Alex lit up though.. it makes my stupidity feel like when someone opens the gift you got them for Christmas. He was honestly the best.

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