Stockholm Syndrome.

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sorry it took me so long to update. hope you enjoy!!!!!

TW: Stockholm syndrome, kidnapping, emotional abuse/manipulation, mentions of murder/physical abuse

Brittaney pov

we ate, then we got in the car and followed the train tracks as long as we could. then we blocked off by a really heavily wooded forest.

A: what do we do?

B: we're gonna walk.

Bobby: britt- they could be miles from here. they're prolly not even be in Arizona.

R: I forgot we're not in cali anymore. damn.

A: did any of y'all tell your parents?

Brittaney: oh shi-

Bobby: I told them we're gonna be gone for a second.

Brittaney: did you tell them-

Bobby: we'll explain when we get home. they just need to know we're safe.

R: I didn't tell mine. oh god.

A: i called them when we were driving to that forest place.

R: oh- thanks- what'd you tell them?

A: the truth. Luke went missing suddenly and we're worried so we're out looking for him.

R: oh- ok.

A: yeah.

Bobby: focus guys! we have to find a way to get from here to Kansas!

A: what do you mean Kansas?......

Bobby: last year- Mary took us to her uncles cabin in Kansas.... I figured thats where they are holding Luke. it takes 23 hours to get there, and its been almost 2 days. the math adds up....

Brittaney: we don't even know she's behind this! I know her and she wouldn't-

Alex just hugs me and I cry into his hoodie. he's a good friend. I can't believe how horrible I was to him. and how nice he's being to me.

Brittaney: thank- thank you.

A: anytime.

so we start to walk. tis can't be a good option, but we need to help Luke.

A: wait br- does Mary know that you know? because ik sure if you called and asked why she wasn't at school-

Brittany: oh. ok. I'll-

A: hey. we'll be here with you the entire time. I promise.

Brittaney: *sigh* ok. thank you. :)

A: :)

I pull out my phone- why is it shaking? thats my hand. kewl.

I dial her number and wait for her to answer.

B: hi! mary! where- where are you?

hopefully she doesn't catch my voice cracks and stuttering.

M: hey.

she sounds like its hard for her to talk. maybe she got kidnapped by the same people!

B: are you ok? you sound hurt.

M: you want the truth?

I don't know. just tell me you didn't do it.

M: I took time off school to throw you a surprise party. to cheer you up after the whole Luke thing, but apparently he was ditching too, and I saw him and I insulted him and he beat me up. lucky brad was helping me set up the party and fought him off. he's patching me up right now, but my head still hurts. he's a psychopath. I'm happy you got rid of him.

I'm happy for you. (julie and the phantoms) (sunset curve)Where stories live. Discover now