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This entire chapter is awkward. Have fun!

Luke pov

Mrs Mercer: alex?!? That boy is going to be late!

Mrs Mercer: alex?!? Get your lazy arse out of bed! Alex!

I stirr, hearing someone yell, only to look up at alex sitting beside me.

Then the door opened..

L: crap

His mom walks into the room and her face changes completely. I'm in trouble.

Mrs Mercer: Alex? What-

A: ok so its not at all what it looks like... Luke was just helping with my homework and we fell asleep. Its not-

Mrs Mercer: so I guess you'll be ok if I called your father? Wait isn't that the f- hooligan that embarrassed us in front of my Bible study group?

A: mom its-

Mrs Mercer: and the boy i told not to come into house yesterday evening?

Alex looks at me in disbelief... I conveniently forgot to tell him why I came in through the window. I'm in more trouble.

I have two options. Argue with the crazy lady, or jump out the window and run home. I'm crazy tired, so I chose the latter.

L: I swear nothing happened- bye!

Once I'm out, I run. I hope alex will be alright.... I know they won't hit him out of fear for the government, but they'll prolly yell. Then I remember last night. Hopefully he'll be ok till I see him in school. Is it just me or does it take a longer time to get to my place?

Timeeee skipppp- still Luke pov

School. Ugh. Alex!

L: hey!

Brittany: hey babe? Let's go.

What did she want?!?

Oh yeah. I was still pretending to like her. I had to delete that picture first. Then I'd leave her for good. Ok.

L: yeah- babe... let's go.

Brittany: why were you taking to him?

L: we're still in a band babe... we had to talk about what we were playing at the dance.

Brittany: ok... oh so when we go the dance together-

L: huh? Um where is it?

I start to frantically check my pockets.

L: crap! I musta left my phone at home! Can I use your real quick babe?

Brittany: is something going on?

L: no I just need to use your phone.

Brittany: you're being really weird...

I knew she was referring to me telling her stuff and acting happy while she forced me to date her.

L: I just realized I missed you.

Ugh. I hated doing that.

Brittany: i knew you would come to your senses!

She passes me her phone and I delete the picture.

Brittany: so... wanna come over tonight?

L: no. I'm kinda very gay for alex, in case you didn't notice...

Brittany: what?!?

L: yeah sorry babe.. it would never worked out between us.

I feel bad, but SHE blackmailed me.

L: alex! Reggie! I did it!

R: nice!

After we talked about what we would play at the dance, we went to class. Boring as usual. But after school....

R: ok you guys- I have like a million pages of homework, so im going home. See yall tomorrow.

L: bye

A: see ya

Ok he's scary good at reading the room- space thing

L: you wanna come chill at mine?

A: yeah... sure.

Bobby pov

(Lunch the next day)

B: sooo whats going on?

L: ughhhh alex came to my house, and NOTHING happened.

B: God. See a therapist, don't come to me about your love life.

L: bobbyyy-

B: nope. You know i want nothing to do with that... I didn't even say anything when you dated and broke the heart of my sister.

L: oh... I'm sorry....

B: its chill. Shes kinda a spoiled brat anyway.

L: oh. Ok.

B: ugh. I'm gonna regret this, but what happened yesterday?

L: nothing! Thats the problem! We didn't kiss or sit together or literally anything else. We barely even talked! Help meeeee

B: as much as you hate to admit it, you overthink everything almost as much as alex does. You both probably let nerves get to you. Whenever that happens, just remember that he's still your best friend.

L: dang. Thanks man.

Reggie pov

A: and we barely even talked!!!

R: dude chill! Why didn't you talk?

L: well...

R: you wanted to talk didn't you?

A: fine! That night that I was tying the rope...

R: yeah

A: after you left, he kissed me, and I wanted- well more than that, but he rejected me. He said I wasn't thinking straight.

R: well yeah... youre gay... in all seriousness though he was right

A: I get that, but its embarrassing and..

R: and?

A: I think he wanted to- make up for it yesterday

R: prolly...

A: God.

R: im pretty sure luke would back off if you told him you didn't want him like that...

This is awkward.

A: but I do! I just...

R: ok, you need to talk about this to luke. Not me.

A: Ok...

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