~Disneyland pt.2~

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ok so according to the comments on "vacation", "author's note" and "Disneyland", we've got *looks at list* bi bobby, non binary partner for brittaney, and robby (reggie+bobby). I can't wait.

Bobby pov

its getting dark, and I think we've gone on all the rides, but I don't want to leave. I know we're coming back tomorrow, (Luke got us these weird 3-day passes so) but I don't want this moment to end. Alex and Brittaney are talking about how men are trash while Luke whines about how he's awesome and Alex is literally a man. So reggie and I are gonna prank them- he's so cool.

R: ok so I think we should buy some smile from the princess shop- the really sparkly stuff, and spill it ALL over them... maybe not Luke, he's too fast, he'll catch us. just the two insulting the only gender either of them have slept with.

he's awesome. Im so hyped to get to know him. and he has the best smile. he's so cool.

R: bobby?

Bobby: huh? oh yeah! we should do that....

that was awkward. I'm so weird. dang it.

R: but we should get Luke in on this- he'll love it... but we can't let Alex follow him....

Bobby: Alex is too distracted to notice anything right now.

R: fair. lets do it!

he is so cool.

I tap Luke on the back and whisper the plan to him while reggie distracts Alex and Britt, he technically can be in that conversation as a bisexual so....

I wonder if i'm bi..

as soon as we get Luke, we run off to the nearest princess shop and grab the sparkliest hot pink slime we can find.

L: dude, Alex is gonna end me- maybe we shouldn't do this...

R: ugghhhh you're so boring! have some fun.

L: fine.

reggie is so much fun to generally be around. he suggested we do this randomly because I said I was bored. he's awesome.

luke holds up the slime too the lady at the counter

Cashier: for your girlfriend or your niece?

she obviously doesn't mean it in a rude way, but Luke's smile falters and becomes more- well, evil.

L: actually, it's for my boyfriend- and my ex- they're like best friends.

he looks like he's about to say something rude. I should probably stop him.

Bobby: *whispering to luke* chill out. I'm sure she didn't mean it like that.

Cashier: I really didn't... i-

R: hey its alright. he's a little um- "hotheaded" lets go Luke, before I tell Alex you were passive aggressively yelling at a very pretty Disney employee who did nothing wrong.

L: fine. whatever. sorry ma'am.

wow. he really just shut Luke down that quick. I've known Luke since kindergarten and I couldn't get him to chill. he's amazing.

we walk out of the store and sneak up behind Luke and Brittaney, trying our best not to laugh and Luke pours slime all over their heads.

A: oh my god!

Britt: what the hell?!?!?!

L: run bois!!!!

Brittaney and Alex at the same time: MY HAIR!!!!!!!!

~still at the same time somehow~



then they start chasing us.

R: aw shit.

he grabs my hand and starts running faster. what?! he's holding my hand! he's also really fast- its hard to keep up.

how is Luke in front of us?!?!?

A: I'm going to end you Patterson!!!!!

never mind. that makes a lot of sense.

Britt: I'm going to KILL you bobby!!!!!!!!!

reggie holds my hand tighter and pulls me along, toward the exit.

L: wait why does no one want to kill reg? this was his idea!!!!!

Britt: oh we're gonna kill REGGIE!

A: just that we're gonna kill HIM together

reggie just laughs and pulls me out of the park and into the backseat of Luke's car, where we drive off. (we came in two cars)

L: we got away! wait I still share a room with Alex- oh I'm SO dead.

reggie and I just laugh and he lays down on my lap, clearly tired from the long day we had. I will not be moving a muscle because of the cat effect. (if something really cute falls asleep on your lap, do not under any circumstance, move.) also Im kinda enjoying this.

its weird, because I'm pretty sure I saw our hotel, but Luke seems to be driving in circles around a random neighborhood thats right beside it. after a while though, he looks back at us and smiles, almost stopping completely.

L: he asleep?

Bobby: yeah.. I think so..? why?

L: well I was driving around so you don't have to wake him up yet- you both seem to be enjoying it..

Bobby: naw I'm ready to get up.

no I'm not :(

L: sure you are bud. I've known you for forever- you know you can tell me anything...

Bobby: i'm not sure what you mean-

L: you can't be- oh wow. do you not know? or are you just lying to me?

Bobby: what do you mean?!

L: dude I think you've got a crush on reggie.

Bobby: what?! no I dont-

L: just wondering. I mean, you hate socializing but you worked so hard to get to know him, AND you haven't stopped blushing since you started talking. I had to tell him you just get like that when you're cold.

Bobby: no its not like that I- I'm straight! I made the joke, but I'm actually straight.

L: chill dude-

Bobby: can we just drop it?

L: fine.

Luke pov

bobby hardly spoke to after I asked I implied he was crushing on the guy he was letting sleep on his lap and blushing like crazy about sooooo. he's SO crushing on reg. I can't wait to tell Alex! oh god I'm still in trouble with him. dang. we wake reg and go to our rooms,( reggie and bobby are sharing one and Britt got her own because her parents said she wasn't allowed to be sleeping in a room with any guys, no matter how gay we were). I walk into my room and Alex still isn't here. ugh. whatever. I guess I'll just wait here for him.

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