Dirt Bikes

110 4 3

Reggie pov

we drive for like an hour, but it was worth it when we found a bike shack with four dirt bikes in pretty good condition.

R: hey! hey can we rent these?

lady at the counter: for how long?

R: uhhh I don't know... 2 days?

lady at the counter: that'll be........ $500

R: 5what?!?!?!?!

lady at the counter: you didn't think we were giving em out did you?

R: no ma'am. but is there any way we could get a discount? there's four of us!

Lady at the counter: sorry. no discounts. pay or don't.

R: oh. ok.

do we even have that much?!?

we walk off to the side of her shop and pull out our wallets.

Brittaney: I've got $50

Bobby: same.

R: you guys just carry around $50??!?!?!?

Brittaney: yeah our mom makes sure of it. she says its for emergencies, and this seems like one.

R: for sure. I've only got $10 but-

Brittany: its alright. how about you Alex?

A: I grabbed my dad's wallet before we left- so I've got.... $72

Bobby: oh. I really thought we'd have to sell Brittaney.

Brittaney: ew no that lady is NOT my type.

Bobby: thats not what I meant!

R: we still need..... $93 guys.

A: well we can sell something. my watch is worth something-

R: dude no. thats your grandpa's watch!

A: my grandpa is more homophobic than my dad and is in favor of putting me up for adoption. I don't want his stupid watch, I want my stupid boyfriend.

he takes it off his wrist as fast he can, almost to show that he isn't instantly regretting this- which I can tell he is. he loved that watch. he loved his grandparents. I just wanna save my best friends.

R: ok. we'll ask her how much-

Brittaney grabs the watch from Alex and walks to the lady at the desk.

Brittaney: listen. we both know this watch is worth at LEAST 4,000. I wanna sell it to you for the bikes.

Lady at the counter: 3,500 is the highest I'm taking for this.

Brittaney: c'mon . i wanna be able to eat on our trip. and we both know this is worth 4,000

Lady: 3,600

Brittaney: 3,800

Lady: 3,700

Brittaney: 3,900

Lady: 3,750. best offer.

Brittany: I don't know...

Lady: going....

Brittaney: hmmmm

Lady: going...

Brittaney: fine! so you owe us $3250 and 4 dirt bikes.

Lady: huh?

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