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the video doesn't have anything to do with this, I just felt like it :)

tonight's gonna be fun.

after a while, bobby parks in front of the ice cream shop, and about a hundred teenagers poured out of his car and into the shop. keep in mind that its like 12am. yeah. the poor ice cream dude. we prolly scared the crap outta him.

we ordered about a million different things, and somehow, they got all our orders right. best ice cream place ever.

reg: dude this is so good-

L: I know right!?!?

Liz: yeah thanks for bringing us

C: yeah thanks

Robin: yeah this is better than the Disney land crap-

L: um yeah about that, how come you're... here? like I thought your dad-

Robin: he doesn't care where I go, I was embarrassing him at work and his new wife doesn't like me, so when I told him I was moving "for school" he happily accepted.

L: cool.....


Bobby: random question- do you guys wanna sleepover at my place?

bobby, changing the subject. my hero.

Britt: who was that question meant for? because I know reg and robin are already staying at our place tonight-

A: oh really?

Reg: stop acting like you and Luke didn't share a hotel room- by the way, that hotel had thin walls.

L: aw shuttup.

Bobby: I meant everyone here. yes or no?

A: im in.

L: yeah sounds cool.

Cindy: I have to call my mom- and I don't know if she'll be cool with me having a sleepover with a bunch of guys...

Britt: just tell her your having a sleepover with me! its technically not a lie.

Liz: cool. well, I'll come if Cindy does.

Bobby: cool! my parents aren't home, but your parents don't need to know that....

Brittaney: Oooo could we go to 7/11 and get those slushy things?

Luke: for sure!

A: its already 12....

Luke: c'mon alexxxx have some funnnn!!!!!!

Reg: yeah c'mon Alex!

A: fine. only if Cindy and liz can come.

everyone started cheering cause we all know if Alex says no, its not happening, then we got kicked out. damn.

Cindy pov

dude. if my parents say no, liz isn't gonna go, then Alex won't go, then Luke won't go. basically, if my parents say no, I'm ruining everyones night. no pressure. cool.

I pick up the phone and dial my mom

C: mom?

Mom: where are you?

C: I'm at the dance and Brittaney said we should have an after party-sleepover. can I go?

Mom: a sleepover? with who?

I'm happy for you. (julie and the phantoms) (sunset curve)Where stories live. Discover now