We're just one dream away from who we're meant to be

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Reggie pov

both my friends are fast asleep, so I make my way downstairs, where I see Mrs Patterson washing dishes.

R: do you need any help?

Mrs Patterson (Emily): oh! Reggie! I didnt see you there! whats going on?

R: well Alex is napping, and Luke fell asleep too.

Mrs Patterson: so Alex really is sick?

R: yeah....

I stand beside her and start to rinse the dishes she washes.

Mrs Patterson: thank you reggie- I always liked you. you and alex. not Luke's new friends- you guys are good influences.

R: his new friends?

Mrs Patterson: bobby and his sister and their friends.

R: well I-

Mrs Patterson: you know last time they were here, one of them offered Luke a cigarette- right in front me! who knows what they do in private?

R: well I can promise you- Luke doesn't smoke- or do any drugs.

Mrs Patterson: thank you. I'm trusting you two to care of him- at least when I can't.

R: happy to help Mrs P.

Mrs Patterson: thank you.

after a while of talking to Mrs P. and occasionally reassuring her that Luke wasn't doing drugs ( technically I don't know what he does with Brittaney and her fake friends, but I know he refuses to admit how much he hates it) I went upstairs to check on my sleeping friends .

R: Luke? Alex?

they were still sleeping. ugh I'm bored. I call bobby- it was lunch by now anyway

R: bobby?

B: hey! how's Alex?

R: he's good. we got ice cream and now he's sleeping. Im actually calling because I'm bored-

B: oh! oh well how are you?

R: haha yeah. I'm tired.

B: cool um...

R: yeah I lied. I wanted to ask how Luke and Brittaney are...

B: good I thought- why did Luke say something?

R: no he's just- being weird

B: I mean- she said he totally brushed her off this morning. Reggie did Luke say something to you?

R: no- he's just being really weird. I thought maybe they broke up.

B: oh ok. he's probably just upset about the whole Alex thing.

R: ok. I'll talk to you later

B: ok. keep me updated- bye.

R: bye.

I hang up, kind of disappointed. I once again had no one to talk to. I shoulda known. bobby and I have never been all that close.

Luke: dude... what?

Luke looked oddly confused waking up in his room- wait a minute

R: heyyyy *cue awkward finger guns*

L: hey...?

R: you've been sleeping for hourssssss!!!!! lets do something!

L: like what? * loud yawn*

R: hey! keep it down! Alex is still sleeping!

L: ok! ok!

R: we can go buy some lunch for when Alex wakes up.

L: ummm ok..

he pops up and grabs some shoes- he's ready before me.

L: lets go...!

he's still tired, but for some reason he seems like he really wants to go

R: ok...? lets go

we head out, and take the Patterson's car to Alex's favorite restaurant "Tender Greens" its the dumbest place every, but it makes him happy so what the hell.

we get there and buy some lunch, but before we head home, Luke asks me to drive in his place.

R: dude I don't have a license-

L: you can drive can't you?!?!

second time snapping at me in one day. I'm starting to doubt he just needs a nap.

R: dude chill. *eye roll*

I get in the car, but Luke stays outside and pulls out his phone.

I can't hear him, but he seems really upset.

he walks into the car REALLY angry. balled up fists and everything.

R: uh- yeah I'm gonna drive.

as much as I hated it, I was kinda scared of Luke sometimes. he was a really muscular dude with a horrible temper and a willingness to fight over anything. he was pretty scary.

after a while of driving, Luke turned to me-

L: *under his breath* I'm sorry

R: huh?

L: I'm sorry- for snapping at you and making you drive when your clearly not comfortable without a license.

R: its cool-

L: no- its really not. I keep getting mad at you for things that are really not your fault. I'm sorry.

why did he look like a defeated 5 year old?

R: dude are you ok..?

L: yeah- no.

R: what happened?

L: well Alex's parents. I-

R: we'll keep him out of his house as much as possible. who were you calling

he was radiating so many emotions that I was scared to ask who he was on the phone with. what if it was his mom- or Alex's mom?!?

L: I- I don't want to talk about it.

R: oh- sorry

what was going on with this dude?!?!?!

Luke Pov

what did I do? what was I going to do? why did I- I'm probably going to have a seizure while reggie was anxiously driving and get us in a car crash

why did I- reggie seemed like he was actually scared of me... I hated that feeling. I was known to be a jock and a little bit mean, but he was my best friend! did he really think I was going to hurt him? I want to tell him so I can get it off my chest, and he can stop acting scared, but I was scared. what had I done? I can't believe I just did that- I broke up with Brittaney. well I told her I needed a break. she said that we need to talk after school and I told her I didn't want to talk. god what have I done?

R: what's going on with you? are you alright?

well what was I supposed to say? oh yeah I had a frikin wet dream about one of my best friends even though I was dating the most popular girl in school, so I broke up with her out of pure confusion?????????????

L: I don't know! I just need a second.

lord help me.

hehe I need serious mental help :)

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