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Time skip- I think y'all will like this chapter .....Edit: I added this song bc I heard it from youtube and it was funny and true and 100% applies to this chapter.

Luke pov

By the end of the day, Alex seemed relaxed, but he still tensed when my mom told him he couldn't sleep over and had to go back at 4:00 (when school ends) I wanted to believe that his parents weren't going to hurt him, but who would I know? I should've told Reggie, but I didn't, because I'm an idiot. So when we walked Alex home, said our goodbyes and walked away, I circled back to stand beside Alex's house so I could see through their kitchen window. I know its wrong, but I'm worried! Shut up!

I could barely hear, but from what I did, everything seemed chill. I should've left then, but I'm stupid.

Alex pov

God I'm so scared to go in. I did though, and I threw up in my mouth a little when Reggie and luke left. Don't leave me! No. I'm fine. Everything is fine.

No one really spoke, I just put my stuff away and did my homework while catching weird glances from my parents- it was so tense in here.

Mrs Mercer: are you done?

A: hm?

I'm in trouble! Done with what? Being gay?

Mrs Mercer: are you done with your homework?

A: oh yeah um-

Mrs Mercer: get in the car.

A: where... where are we-

Mr Mercer: to church! Your moms little church is the only thing keeping me from kicking your little faggot a** onto the street.

A: you can't convert me! Its how I was born! Stop trying!

Mr Mercer: you shut your mouth!

He got up, but my mom calmed him down

Mrs Mercer: honey, let's just go- we can pray it away, so you don't have to go through this your whole life

A: what we're gonna pray the gay away? Its not a disease mom! You've been staring at me since I walked in, like I was sick or something!

I hate yelling and conflict, but I had to stand up for myself- i was braver after today's sick day.

Mrs Mercer: get in the car Alex.

So I did. I shoulda resisted, but I couldn't.

Luke pov

Everything was chill, Alex did his homework and his parents just looked at him. I was starting to feel like a stalker. Then Alex's dad stood up, and he stood taller. Yes! I was so proud of him. Then he walked out with his parents. Soon enough his garage opened. Crap! When they all get in the car, I crawl behind their car ( dangerous- i know) then I grab the back of the car and put my feet on the bumper. Learned this from every time I missed the bus because of- reasons

The car comes to a stop after a while, and I hop off so they don't see me. Is this a church?!? What are they- praying the gay away?!? I hide behind a bush right in front of the church- i don't want the Mercers knowing about their hitchhiker. When im sure they went in, I walk in too and sit in one of the church seats things.

Alex pov

I can't believe they're actually doing this- my parents! I'm their son! I thought I was their son... we walk in and I try to take a seat, but my mom pulls me to the alter. What?! The church was mostly empty, except for my moms Bible study club- and a guy with his Hoodie up in the very back. Weird.

Mrs Mercer: hello friends!

Book club/cult/karens: hello!

Mrs Mercer: so today, my son pulled a bit of a stunt- he's a rebellious one. I wanted to pray for him. Son? Do you want to confess?

A: im not rebellious, don't call me your son if your not gonna treat me that way, and I don't know what stunt you're referring too.

It was barely a mumble, and everyone seemed to ignore me, but the boy in the back laughed and shook his head. He had a cute laugh.. it was familiar though....

Mrs Mercer: come on Alex!

A: im gay. I'm very very gay.

It was scary, but I wanted to make the boy laugh again. I felt like I knew him.

A: like so gay that I'm crushing on that random hot dude in the back.

Did I just say that?!? Well, best case scenario I get a boyfriend, soooo

Then he lifted his head just enough that I STILL couldn't see his face.

L: im flattered. you're cute too by the way Alex.


A: luke?!?

L: hey

A: hi-

Mrs Mercer: SO, let's begin to pray for my son.

L: excuse me ma'am? I feel like you'd need a LOT more homophobes to pray all of his gay away. He's like REALLY gay

Luke got up and walked towards me

Mrs Mercer: you children don't understand! Its a sin. Plain and simple.

L: what your book tell you that?

Mr Mercer: as a matter of fact, my Bible did tell me that-

L: just stop. Can't you see your hurting your son?

I started to cry- just a little at the fact that my best friend had to save me from my mom. When luke spotted it though, he walked up to me and hugged me. Then he whispered in my ear..

L: im going to kiss you.

A: What-

He kissed me. Rough and hard, but sweet, In front of my mom and her Bible book club

It was over as fast as it started

he laughed.

L: let's get outta here.

So we did. We went to the school basketball court ( it was safe and close) and talked. Not about the kiss though. Just about random stuff I knew was supposed to calm me down.

Luke pov

I just kissed alex! He probably hates me. I just made it all worse for him. Why would I do that? We left and just talked for a while- he was blushing, but Alex blushed for practically no reason all the time. We still weren't talking about the kiss. Ouch.

A: how come you were at church i didn't know you-

L: I followed you


L: I was scared something would happen. So I followed you. Wait you didn't see me? I thought you knew-

A: i had no idea

L: so when did you know?

A: when you talked

L: so you were serious when you said i was hot?

I knew He didn't like me back, but I was curious.

He thought for a second and then spit it out, clearly frustrated

A: why'd you kiss me?

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