Its Brittaney B*tch!

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L: No- no Brittany what do you mean? You kissed me! Its not my fault your crazy!

B: well someone seeing that picture wouldn't know that... baby

She grabs my hand

B: don't you think it would be easier to just... settle this? We can talk this out.

L: no we cant! I tried this morning, but instead of listening to me, you kissed me and then started threatening to tell people that you kissed me. You don't want to talk it out. You wanna get back together- and you don't care how it makes me feel.

B: baby... you know its not like that

L: get your hand off me Brittany!

B: you're confused, I understand.

She puts her hand on my shoulder.

L: I can't do this. Release your photo- i dare you.

I walk away and sit in the empty chair in the back.

If your wondering, no I did not just grow a pair. I simply remembered that if she had one more "incident" ( including a photo of her kissing a dude on school grounds) she was expelled. Take that Brittany!

After like 20 minutes, Brittany got up and sat beside me again

B: babe listen

L: luke. Luke listen. Only one person gets to call me that, and it sure as hell isn't you.

Teacher dude ( I forget his name): would you like to share with the class what is so important you have to disrupt my class?

B: im so sorry sir. We were just discussing last night....

L: nope. Dont spill your crazy on me. Nothing happened last night- at least not between me and you.

I remember what happened last night. Alex leaning on the school...

I was so wrapped up in my daydream-that-acctually-happened I almost don't hear the class' melodramatic collective gasp

The teacher walks away, clearly pissed. Whatever. Then I realized that everyone is this room still thought Brittany and I were an item and I just added to those stupid rumors that I'm some player/cheater F*ckboy who sleeps around. Damn.

When class ends, I go to hang out with Alex and Reggie before next period and I pass Mary and Brittany talking. *eyeroll*

L: hey alex!

A: hey!

R: hi. *eyeroll*

I put my arm round his shoulder and we walk to advisory. When we get there, I sit beside him, but some girl sits between us. God save her.

Girl: hey alex...

A: um- hi...

Girl: where were you yesterday? I didn't see you in science...

A: I was sick.. could you scoot over...?

The girl just moves closer to him. Wth?!? Alex looks so uncomfortable

Girl: so you never got back to me on my request

A: what do you mean.....

Girl: do you have a girlfriend?

A: well... not really

Girl: ok. Well then... would you wanna go to the homecoming dance with me?

A: not really...

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