On the edge of great

54 3 0

def TW bc death-

this username (skywalker236) will be used for bobby, because I said he likes Star Wars and I don't want to put extra thought into his interests

Lukes pov

this is the best day of my life. bobby's dad was able to put in a good word with a producer friend of his about us, and now we have a gig at the orpheum. basically, if we do good, we could get signed!!!

Reggies pov

Luke ran away from home yesterday and now he's living in Alex's garage without letting his parents know- we all started putting money together so we can get an apartment together, and now, out of nowhere,,, we got the chance at a record deal!!! all we have to do is play at the ORPHEUM- I can't believe this is happening.

TheAnxiousDrummerBoy: so- we have the chance at blowing up- we're obviously doing it- right???

skywalker236: no shit sherlock-

SleevesAreTheWorkOfTheDevil: well we have two days before the show. we need to practice till then.

BiBassBoy: you want us to practice for two days straight before a big concert?

TheAnxiousDrummerBoy: how 'bout we practice all day and sleep all night? that sounds like a better plan than lukes-

SleevesAreTheWorkOfTheDevil: fineeeee but we have to be perfect.

BiBassBoy: we will be. we've been doing this for almost 2 years now-

skywalker236: ok- practice at Alex's? first thing tomorrow?

SleevesAreTheWorkOfTheDevil: I live there now so I doubt that will be a problem-

BiBassBoy: ill be there by 7.

skywalker236: alright. ill see you guys then?

BiBassBoy: okie :) bye

TheAnxiousDrummerBoy: goodnight :)

SleevesAreTheWorkOfTheDevil: Gn

~two days later because I feel like band practice is pretty self explanatory~

Alex pov

we are currently at the friggin orpheum, and we're about to do a sound check. I'm so excited I could explode. I'm also kind of nervous but I don't wanna think about it.

I get set up at the drums and the others grab their guitars.

time for me to count Luke down.




Luke starts to sing and I take out all my nerves on my drum set. this is amazing. they're all so good-

then again, so am I-

luke turns to me, signaling its time for my solo

A: we aint searchin for tomorrOWwww

R: tOmorrowww

A: 'cause we got all we need tOdAyyyy


L: living on a feeling thats been runnin through our veins-

R: we're the revolution thats been singing in the rain-

I'm happy for you. (julie and the phantoms) (sunset curve)Where stories live. Discover now