Finally free (from school)

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luke pov

I know I shouldn't have talked to reggie like that, but I- I was mad- I was mad Alex's parents weren't accepting, I was mad that this still happens, I was mad that someone hurt Alex- put their hands on him, but most of all-i was mad that Alex didn't tell me. that he told reggie before he told me. I know I was a bad friend- I should care more about Alex- but I couldn't help it. I thought he told me everything. its stupid.

I looked up at the clock and started to walk faster- technically its called running, but thats not allowed in school. I had to get there before the bell rang.

but why didn't he tell me? was I not trustworthy? did he like reggie more than me? I never thought of reggie like that- like his name stunk, but I was a different kind of angry today. it shouldn't be directed at reggie though. its not his fault Alex likes him better. I swear I could kill someone with the tension floating around me.

I just don't understand why he didn't tell me- I must be a-

bobby: luke! what are you-

I jumped- I didn't realize bobby was behind me

luke: dude you scared me! whats up?

bobby: Mrs Smith asked me to find you.

L: oh! yeah that- I'm cutting class. just tell her I went home.

B: ok um- so are you all going home or-

L: all?

B: you Alex and reggie... I know what happened to Alex..

L: oh- you do? ok yeah I'm planning to take him home- but you can't tell anyone. I don't think he wants people to know.

B: ok. got it. ill see you later then-

L: you wanna come with?

B: no I can't skip- my parents would kill me. sorry. tell Alex I said sorry about- you know-

L: yeah. I will.

bobby pov

wow I guess Luke wouldn't have told me if I didn't know- I guess he just wanted to keep Alex's personal business personal.. also is there something going on between Luke and Alex? because Luke talking about taking Alex home didn't sound all that heterosexual to me- but Luke has a girlfriend. they can't be- right? would they tell me if they were? thats weird....

luke pov

I watched bobby walk off, and kind of forgot my mission for a second- then the bell rang.

so I ran. I ran till got to the main office. I wasn't gonna let people see Alex like that- I knew it would just make him feel worse. I prolly pushed some people over on my way to the office, but I really don't care. I was almost there when-

Brittany: hey babe! whats going on?

luke: I don't really have time to talk- I'll see you later?

brittany : fine!

she walks away, looking pretty angry and a part of me wants to care, but I need to get Alex out of here. I walk into the office and (thankfully) Mrs. Kingsley is working.

L: Mrs K you've gotta let Alex go home. he's sick- he's um puking everywhere! and you've gotta let me and reggie take care of him. we don't want him to be all alone...

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