Friday :)

189 4 13

luke pov

the day went pretty well.. I got followed by like 2 guys but they ran off when I threatened to hit em. pretty sure brad was out sick or something. it didn't matter though. no one could ruin my mood. I spent so many years trying to convince myself I didn't like him and now Im going on a date with him!!!! when I got to advisory, Alex looked pretty happy too. I'm dating Alex!!!!!

(during advisory)

A: hey

L: hey!

next few lines are whispering

L: hows your day been?

A: it was good. brads gone today I guess.

L: yeah apparently their all pretty chicken without their ring leader.

A: yeah....

L: soooooo..... I'm taking you to the movies today <3

A: yeah..... I cant wait :)

we just sat there and smiled- till the scary teacher glared at us and we went back to our homework.

after school....

R: hey guys! y'all are going to the movies right?

A: yeah :)

R: well I'm happy for you! uhhh yeah I'm gonna go....

and then he just walked away... weird

L: is he ok?

A: yeah. he says its weird to see his best friends "drooling all over each other"

I start to laugh- I cant help myself, but then he starts to laugh too and we just stand there laughing like idiots. today is so awesome.

L: ok lets get going.

A: yesssss! what movie are we gonna see?

L: Jurassic park. its not romantic, but I knew you wanted to see it-

A: yes!!!!!!!!!!! lets go!

he grabs my arm and starts to run towards the cinema

L: wow! chill! we'll get there in time!

A: I know. I'm just exited.

L: well I'm happy if your happy. lets go see some dinosaurs!

A: yessssss!!!!!!!!

he was so cute when he got exited <3

so we walked to the cinema

Cindy (she sells tickets an is in my science) : Jurassic park? that'll be $25 dollars.

A: oh. thats a lot are you sure-

L: here you go Cindy.

A: luke! $25?!?!

L: its ok! lets go inside.

Cindy: this your guy?

L: huh?!

Cindy: like your boyfriend?

L: wha-

Cindy: you think people haven't noticed? you're so happy all the time. y'all are a cute couple. have fun!

L: um ok-

C: and if you need a fake date for the dance, my girlfriend and I need some cover stories too.

I'm happy for you. (julie and the phantoms) (sunset curve)Where stories live. Discover now