The side of the school.

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not the smut I promised- this is more fluffy with kisses.

Luke pov

A: why'd you kiss me?

Crap. He hates me. I knew it.

L: uh well- I was trying to prove a point

A: oh.

He sounded deflated

L: yeah just pissing off the homophobes. It was all a show


A: oh.

He scratched the back of his head and stared at the floor

L: alex?

He looked up at me and I took a chance. I pushed him against the side of the school and kissed him.. only for a second though.

A: what-

L: im sorry i-

He pulls my face to his and kisses me. Alex kissed ME. So we did that for a while.... kissing at the side of the school. It was better than a church... then I was practically pulled off him

It was Brittany's best friend, Mary. Always hated her

M: what is- i don't want to know! Brittany will hear about this. You cheater- you- you fag!

L: shut up Mary.

Alex looks at me, worried as I go back to kissing him. Then he pushes me away.

L: what-

A: your girlfriend!!

L: Brittany and I broke up

M: so your rebounding? With a fag?

L: no! Its none of your business dearest VIRGIN Mary

Mary walks away and Alex looks at me funny

A: am I your rebound? Tell me the truth

L: No-

A: Tell me truth luke.

L: I ended things with Brittaney because I fell for someone else, and despite the rumors, I hate cheating.

A: are you sure? you wanna date a fag?

date! hell yeah! now we don't have to have that awkward convo- like are we dating or- yesss!!!

L: can I answer that with a kiss or are you already bored of me?

so we kissed, and for a moment, everything was perfect.

and then that moment ended ..

Alex pov

everything was perfect- like something out of a dream. then my phone started ringing. I didn't have to check to know it was my mom. I picked it up. I had no choice! its not like I have a place to stay without them.

Mrs Mercer: Alex where are you?

A: a place. I've run away mother.

I put it on speaker, then I realize she's crying... what?

A: mom what is going on?

Mrs Mercer: Alex you need to come home. I know its hard, but this is not you.

A: ugh *eyeroll* if I come home, dad's already told me he'll beat my "f*ggot" a** and kick me to the streets so, ill pass.

Mrs Mercer : you see what you've done! you've driven our son away!

A: it wasn't just him.

Mrs Mercer: Alex honey you need to come home. I promise your father will not hit you. just admit to us that your not- a homosexual

A: listen mom, im not coming home till you and dad promise- no more conversion ANYTHING, no hitting, no prying the gay away, and you CAN technically kick me out, but I can technically can call CPS.

Mrs Mercer: Alex we're just trying to help you.

A: no you're not. your bringing me down. just promise to stop and I'll come back home.

Mrs Mercer: Alex, I'm just trying to protect you.

A: listen, I need somewhere to sleep, so we can talk about this tomorrow, just agree to my terms so I don't have to call cps for a bed.

Mrs Mercer: fine. just come home.

a: ok.

I hang up. I love how brave I am around Luke.

L: you sure? you can stay with me.

A: running away won't fix this in the long-run.

L: ok. if you're sure.

A: I am.

I kiss him one more time.

A: for the road.

L: wait- what if I come with you? in case something happens?

A: I think our agreement would be broken if I brought a guy home.

L: not like that!

he was blushing... :)

L: besides, I can come through the window

A: my room's on the second floor...

L: I'll come through the back window, and walk up the stairs.

A: Luke. everything will be fine. I promise.

L: but last time-

A: I know their scared of me calling cps, so I can hold it against them- at least for tonight.

L: please come home with me-

A: Luke, I don't know what you're trying to achieve, but you're not getting it from me. not tonight.

L: no its not- I didn't mean-

I ran off while he stuttered.

A: goodnight- babe!

he just stood there blushing and smiling like a dork, then he realized where I was going and he just stood there looking grumpy- I was too far away for him to catch.

when I got home, no one really spoke to me. I had dinner, said goodnight (from a safe distance) and went to bed.

next up- school.

840 words. I can live with that. hope you liked it!

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