Make up and Make out.

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TW: mentions of kidnapping and r*pe

Alex pov

it had been two weeks, school gave us some off time, Luke was discharged from the hospital, reggie parents forgave him for running off with their car at 3am and only leaving a note saying he'll be back in a bit, likes mom thanked us a million times, Mary, brad, and that guy Luke won't talk about are rating in jail, my parents told me they didn't care, the police formally apologized and we got medals of bravery. not as cool as it sounds. they even moved the dance back! too bad I literally couldn't care less because Luke won't talk to me or look me in the eyes. I hate my life. this is all my fault. why does he hate me?!?!

we have to go back to school in like 4 days and I don't even know if Luke is ok!!!!

I'm calling reggie. luke still talks to him

he doesn't answer, but I get a text from him.

BiBassBoy: can't call right now. whats up?

TheAnxiousDrummerBoy: is everything all right with him? Luke I mean.

BiBassBoy: yes.... why don't you ask him?

TheAnxiousDrummerBoy: he won't talk to me reg!!!!! do you think he's mad I was hanging out with Brittaney?

BiBassBoy: no... he was happy to see her when we- picked him up.

TheAnxiousDrummerBoy: oh god reg do you think he loves her?

BiBassBoy: no! of course not! just go and ask him whats going on. if I doesn't work, ill call him.

TheAnxiousDrummerBoy: ok. ok. I'll do it.

BiBassBoy: nice! call me when your done.

with that, I stick my phone in my back pocket and start walking to luke's house.

Mrs P(lukes mom): hi honey! Luke didn't tell me you where coming-

A: I want to surprise him.

Mrs P: thats sweet. no funny business.

A: no ma'am.

she lets me in, and I go to talk to Luke.

I walk in his room, and he's sleeping beside some girl. is that Brittaney??!?!? oh god. he does love her. he loves her.

I start to wake up, and Brittaney sits up, staring at me.

B: Alex? oh f*ck! im all over your boyfriend. don't kill me. sorry!

she looks more like she's joking than she just got busted sleeping with her friends boyfriend- and she's fully dressed...

A: what- what happened?

I think she's catching onto my anger

B: oh we were talking about random stuff, and he fell asleep. I should've moved away. I'm sorry. I swear it wasn't like that. it was a friend thing.

Luke clears his throat from behind us.

L: britt?

we turn and he pales

L: Alex...

B: I'm going to go.... call me if you need anything...

she leaves and closes the door behind her.

A: do you love her?

it just slipped!

L: what? who Brittaney?

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