Saving Luke

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luke pov

I'm still trapped. but at least now I'm tied to Mary's bed, not the cold and sticky floor. I'm desperate. Mary's not letting me go, no matter what I do or say. no matter how many times I repent and swear I love her. brad just wants me dead, but if- if I gave in to brad's friend... maybe I could leave. I could leave and go see Alex again!

Brads friend: hey.

L: speak of the devil!

Brads friend: huh?

L: no I was just thinking about you-

Brads fried: really? what were you thinking about?

L: not like that! I have a boyfriend!

Brads friend: you do?

L: no! no! I love Mary I-

Brads friend: do you? ill have to tell her

I start crying. I've been here long enough to know she's going to send brad in here to beat the gay out of me. again.

L: no I-

Brads friend: I don't get it really- you're a whimpering, crying shell of yourself. if you ever saw Alex again, he wouldn't even want you. but I want you. and I'm so much better than that whiny, stupid-

L: shuttup!!!!!!!

Im ugly crying, snot coming out my nose and I can't wipe it bc my hands are tied to a bed frame.

Brads friend: look at you. no one could love you. except me.

he raises my chin so I'm forced to look at him, and he sits on my lap.

he circles his hips, was he grinding on me?!?!

then I heard a moan

Brads friend: see? you already love me-

that was me?!?!?

L: no- if I- will you let me go?

Brads friend: of course!

then the bell rings. a doorbell? I thought this was some kinda factory!

he walks off and I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding. I don't want to do "it" with him! I don't want anything to do with him! but I have to get out of here. why? even if I did, no one would love what I've become. except them. they love me don't they? Mary and brads friend? NO! they don't love you Luke. you don't even know his name! he just wants to use you. they KIDNAPPED you. I can't give in. its only been a few days. I can't give up. but it would be a hell of a lot easier.

Alex pov

R: you guys ready?

B: yeah...

A: reg? i'm gonna go with Brittaney.

R: oh. are you sure?

A: yeah.

B: thank you.

A: no problem. reg? if they try anything, take off in the other direction. and run zig-zag. I'm serious.

R: ok mom.

I frown at him- why isn't he taking this seriously?!?!

R: ok. I love you too. stay safe.

we split up, and once we hear the doorbell ring, we hit the lock at the back with a rock. it falls off easily, and we sneak inside, going straight to the basement when we realize there are no bedrooms (so no doors) and Luke isn't here.

when we get downstairs, we see 3 rooms and a bathroom with the door open.

A: split up?

she shakes her head yes and we walk in opposite directions.

I open the first door to see Mary, Brittaney's old best friend, and my anger swells. she broke Brittaney's heart, and kidnapped Luke. so when she lunges at me, I don't hesitate. it seems to be my impulse actually. I swing at her, and hit her. hard. she falls on the floor and I don't get time to feel bad, because I realize that if she didn't answer the door, she's working with other people- Brittaney's in danger.

I run towards her, and when I see brad getting dangerously close to her, I go to knock him out, but Brittaney beats me to it.

B: he's weird. he was trying to HUG me. after he kidnapped Luke.

we open the door to the last room, to see Luke, tied to a bed. did they? oh god. I think he's sleeping right now though. what if he's dead?!?! oh god oh god oh-

L: Alex?!?!?!

A: luke!!!!!

B: luke!!!!

L: Brittaney? oh.

he starts crying. a LOT.

A: whats... whats wrong?

L: just shuttup!!! I hate these stupid dreams. MARY!!!! F*CKING WAKE ME UP! THIS IS WORSE THAN BEING AROUND YOU!!! ugh. she prolly can't even her me.

B: denial. we just need to get him out of here before his new friends come to.

we unto him and hug him, tightly and he stands up and walks to the drawer, grabs a bade and- cuts a line down his wrist.


L: this is real? this is real?! this is- oh my god. Alex- Brittaney!!!

he runs right past me and launches at her, getting blood on her already pretty dirty shirt in a very messy hug.

A: luke?

but all his attention is on her.

L: oh my god Brittaney! you're alive! you're ok?!

B: I could say the same to you...

L: I thought-

A: luke?

we're all crying by now

L: Alex!!!!

he goes to hug me, but he stops.

L: oh god Alex I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I had to survive- but I didn't mean it. I never loved her- I'm so sorry.

he starts crying more.

A: baby what do you mean? did she- I'm going to kill her.

L: I already did. I didn't stick.

A: what? lets just get out of here.

we walk up, right behind the guy who answered the door and I motion to reggie (who is on the other side of the door) to knock him out, but Luke stops him. Luke whispers something in his ear and when he turns to see what happened, Luke knocks him flat on his back.

A: wow! why-

we walk out, Luke hugging reggie, but being too tired for much else, so we sit by our bikes till bobby and the cops show up.they go in, grab our unconscious classmates, and give us all a ride back taking our bikes in their extra truck. (we're kinda in the countryside)

i'm not gonna lie, I know is should be happy we saved Luke, but I- I don't know. I guess I'm jealous that he barely acknowledged me. do you think he hates me? I didn't save him for so long and maybe- I don't know. I should just be happy he's home.

I'm happy for you. (julie and the phantoms) (sunset curve)Where stories live. Discover now