~Disneyland~ Pt 3

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im baaaaaaaaAaaackkk :)

sorry for ghosting y'all for a while... here's the chapter

one more coming today cause I feel like it

reggie pov

this is the best day. like, today wins all the other days. we're at Disneyland, and everything is awesome, AND bobby kissed me. :)

L: we should get back to the hotel soon- Alex and I wanted to-

Britt: ew no! I already walked in on my brother making out with my friend, I do NOT need to hear about your plans for the night.

robin laughs and Luke rolls his eyes

L: not that dipsh*t!

A: what Luke means to say, is we wanted to just hang out- mini party kinda thing.

Bobby: sounds cool.

L: britt, you're in charge of the booze.

A: s'cues me?


now Alex rolls his eyes

L: *mouthing* bring booze!

Alex hits him in the back of the head.

A: no booze, or luke and i arena "hanging out" after the party.

L: no booze.

Alex pats his head like dog.

A: good boy.

and just like that, we're all rolling in the grass, laughing.

L: * pouting* it's not that funny

I can't stop laughing long enough to get a full sentence out, but I try anyway

Reg: he- he said "good boy" to you-

L: shut up.

Luke walks away to go pout, but not even Alex can chase him, because we're still all sprawled across the floor of an amusement park, laughing.

Bobby has a pretty laugh :)

A: I should go- check on-

Brittany : yeah. You should- go check on- the good boy!

I don't think any of us can breathe, but we keep laughing for a good 5 minutes, while random people probably stared. This is the best day of my life.

Luke POV

I'm not actually mad, that WAS kinda hilarious, but I want more cotton candy and they won't be finished laughing fast enough to stop me :)

So I bought four bags of cotton candy and I don't think I can finish them, but I'm not gonna throw it away, and I can't tell Alex I bought it after he said I had too much cotton candy today and shouldn't buy more. What do I do.

That's when I had a revolutionary idea. Text Brittany. I'm not on the best terms with her, for obvious reasons, but she be robin are probably the easiest fix to this problem.. and they might not tell Alex.

SleevesAreTheWorkOfTheDevil: hey Britt? Can u and robin come over here? I'm at the cotton candy stand and I need help finishing stuff I bought.

ItsBrittaneyBish: on my way.

She shows up with robin and my boyfriend in tow.

My boyfriend?!?? I'm in Trouble

A: you bought MORE cotton candy?!??

L: no......

A: you're gonna make yourself sick.

L: my body my choice

A: whatever stupid. Gimme some.

L: what happened to getting sick?

A: I haven't had 15 bags in a day!!

L: it wasn't 15- I had to share with people! It doesn't count

A: *facepalms* you're-

L: what?

A: you're stupid.

L: but you love me. :)

A: I do.

Brittany: break it up you two. We want a bag.

I hand them one and they walk away

Brittany: we're gonna head back- reg and Bobby already left.

L: alright. We'll catch up.

Brittany: byeeeeee!!!

A: bye!!!

They walk off and Alex and I sit on a curb, eating cotton candy. This is nice.

A: Luke?

L: what's up?

A: wanna do something-before we go home?

L: sure baby. What'd you have in mind?

Alex started blushing when I called him baby, and I realized I don't do it enough.

A: I dunno... let's go to a restaurant or something! :)

L: alright babe. Let's go.

I stood up I held a hand out for him, and he got up and kissed me. Now I'm blushing. Damn.

I was enjoying my moment with my boyfriend until some crusty old lady tapped me on the shoulder.

Lady: excuse me?

I mumble some shit about how somebody better be bleeding or broken against Alex's lips and turn to face her.

L: what's up?

Lady: I just don't think you should be doing that in a children's amusement park.

L: doing what???? It's not like we were about to fu-

A: LUKE!!!

L: what??? If she really wanted to bother a couple she would bother the people over there who ARE fucking!!! She's just here cause we're gay.

A: then ignore her.

Lady: I'm just not comfortable with my kids-

A: no one was talking to you

L: yeah and don't worry about your kids- I'm pretty sure your daughter was checking out a girls ass earlier..

Lady: well I never!!

L: -never saw a happy, non-toxic relationship before? I figured.

A: Luke. Baby. Honey. Sweetie. We're leaving now.

L: yessir.

I know Alex hates conflict, but I can't resist flipping that lady off as we walked away. Kinda regretted it through when she yelled "faggots!" At us and Alex winced.

L: ignore her baby. She's not worth your time.

A: I know.

Then why'd he still look hurt?

how do I fix that?

L: let's go get some dinner. I'll buy you ice cream too.

then he smiled at me! I know technically he's done that before, but its so pretty and now I'm smiling.

A: let's go :)

oh and shout out to @CodyFF30 for getting me to update lmao

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