The Dance

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Alex Pov

we're home, getting ready for school tomorrow, and texting each other on the group chat- the dance IS in 4 days and we haven't practiced recently for obvious reasons, so we're all a little nervous.

TheAnxiousDrummerBoy: so we'll practice every day after school right?

SleevesAreTheWorkOfTheDevil: I think we'll be fine no matter what, but whatever.

BiBassBoy: we will definitely be amazing, but extra practice can't hurt.

TheAnxiousDrummerBoy: ok. we'll talk about this more tmrw morning at school.

BiBassBoy: alright I'll se you guys then

SleevesAreTheWorkOfTheDevil: cool. gn

BiBassBoy: night

TheAnxiousDrummerBoy: goodnight.

im not gonna lie, I'm really worried about Luke. he doesn't talk about the whole "situation", and he acts like he's perfectly fine. what if he's not actually ready to go back?!?!? I don't know. I should stop worrying. I'm going to sleep now.

~next morning~ (still Alex POV)

What is that sound?!?!

Update: that's my alarm. Damn it. Time for school. I hate everything. Ughhhhhhh

I get to school pretty early, considering I practically dragged Reg here, and start looking for my boyfriend.

I find him having an awkward conversation with two people ive never seen before.

Person 1: so is it true you were kidnapped?!?

L: no- I was at my vacation home. Just chillin

He looks really uncomfortable, Sarcastic comment and all, so I grab him by the arm and pull him away.

A: you ok?

L: I'm fine. Just don't know how many people I can tell that vacation crap to till they question me.

A: you don't owe anyone an explanation. Just ignore em.

Luke just smiles and nods.

L: thanks. You're right.

Then he hugged me and whispered

L: I wish I could kiss you right now....

Great. Now I'm blushing. Dang it Luke.

R: I'm gonna find Bobby... I hate third wheeling....

We laugh as Reggie walks off and tackles a very confused bobby. Then we go to class.

This routine goes on for what feel like forever- dodging girls asking us to the dance and people asking what happened to Luke before Friday, the day of the dance arrived.

Not gonna lie, I'm terrified. We're standing backstage, and as if I'm not nervous enough, Luke kisses me in front of the entire crew!!!! Well it was just Cindy and Liz, but stilllllll what if someone else saw?!? They could kidnap him again!!!!!!

L: deep breaths baby. We've done this before. It'll be alright.

R: ewwww that's kind of gay...

Then Bobby kissed him.

A: so was that!!

R: naw that was kinda bi.

Liz: y'all are on in 3. 2. 1.

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