My name is Luke

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Luke pov

I stayed up all night, worrying about Alex- also about I KISSED Alex- and he kissed me back. what?!?!? I couldn't stop smiling, even though I was dead tired.

but my mood took a swing when I got a text from Brittaney.

ItsBrittaneyBish: meet me behind the bleachers

SleevesAreWorkOfTheDevil: no

I was so done with her crap- we broke up! she doesn't get to decide that we're staying together against my will.

ItsBrittaneyBish: you broke up with me over the phone besides you never told me why you ended things... don't you think I deserve to know

she was right. I did do a jerk-ey thing. it wasn't just because of Alex though. it had been a long time coming. she was kind of the worst. but she was right.

SleevesAreTheWorkOfTheDevil: you're right. I'll meet you there after first period.

ItsBrittaneyBish:cool. see you then babe ;)

see what I mean? kind of annoying.

I get dressed, grab my bag and leave- I feel like I'm forgetting something, but I go anyway.

Alex pov

I hear a knockk at my door WAY before m ready, so I grab my stuff and rush out... was I really that late?

R: hey man

A: hey

R: sorry I'm so early- I wasn't sure how stuff was going, so I came a little early..

A: stuff is good. stuff is really good.

Luke kissed me. stuff was REALLY good

R: oh! nice!

A: yeah um-

should I tell him?

R: Alex?

A: yeah? sorry I went to sleep late so I'm kinda tired

so we walked to school, neither of us bringing up any important topics during our conversations.

when we got there, Luke asked us to follow him to an empty hallway.

then he kissed me. right in front of reggie.

R: god! finally!

A: what?

R: were you guys not there yesterday when you were melting all over each other?

L: so you're cool with it?....

R: I've literally had boyfriends! why does everyone seem so scared I'm homophobic!?!?!?

L: you have?!?!

R: what did you think jimmy was?

L: wait you and jimmy- is that why we randomly lost all contact with him? because you guys broke up?!! Did you know this

he turns to me

A: yeah man- they literally made out in FRONT of us... ALL the time!

L: how did I never see that?!?!

we all laugh about Luke's observations- or lack thereof till the bell rang. then we ran.

Luke's pov

class was boring- as usual. but now I had to meet Brittaney behind the bleachers. ugh. I walk to the football field to see her waiting.

L: hey Brittney...

B: we need to talk.

L: yeah I know.

she leads me behind the bleachers. why was I starting to feel guilty? I hated the idea of any kind of cheating- so this felt sus to me. but I wasn't cheating. I was making it clear it was over and giving her the explanation she deserved... so why was I behind the bleachers?

B: listen baby,

L: Luke, actually.

B: let me finish. I understand yesterday was stressful, but I don't think our relationship should be discarded because of it! besides.... I have a great way to get rid of stress.

she puts her hand on my shoulder, but I shrug her off.

L: no. I came here to tell you why I ended things- not try and get back together

B: shhhh I know, you wanna play hard to get- carry on, its hot.

L: dude no. I wanna break up with you. god this is exactly why! you don't listen to me, you get me in trouble, you don't let me hang out with my REAL friends. just because of the ounce of physical attraction I felt towards you? no more. its not fair to either of us.

I know its harsh, but she was giving off really weird vibes and I needed to get out of there.

B: you're not listening to me! I understand stress makes you do weird things, but I know how to make it better

she pushed me against the wall and kissed me, sliding her hands into my boxers.

L: get off me!

I pushed her- harder than I should've I admit, but she was ok.... except she wasn't wearing anything under her mini skirt... wth?!?!

L: yeah I'm out.

B: baby!

L: stop calling me that! I'm dating someone!

B: what?

I ran as fast as I could. I didn't need her catching up.

I got to class out of breath and took a seat by Alex. I should tell him right now, but he was going through so much right now, I didn't need to add more worries to his list. so I snuck a kiss on his cheek and continued class. it was boring. I hate school.

for lunch, we took our lunch to the bleachers and filled reggie in on everything that happened while he was gone- except for the make out sesh.. that was for us. we had fun- then we had to go back to school. ughhhhh my next class was with Brittaney too. ouch. I hope she's wearing something now.... and I hope she's let it sink in that we're over, instead of being crazy.

when walk in though, my hope dies.

B: hey babe! I saved a spot for you beside me.

L: we are not-

you know what? I already yelled at her and pushed her, I'm not gonna embarrass her too. I'll just ignore her. someone will probably let me switch seats with them anyway.

L: hey Stephanie! can I switch seats with you?

S: sure!

I hated using her like that- I know she likes me, but I needed to get away from Brittaney.

B: I wouldn't if I were you.

L: and why not....?

she gets up really close to me

B: because I have pictures of our little moment this morning, and I would hate to have them leaked where your alleged partner could see them.

L: wha-

B: come sit by me, babe.

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