Fight to shine together.

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more bo for y'all bc he's awesome and yeah.

Alex pov

Thursday!!! I'm going on a date with Luke tomorrow!!!!!just need to get to my locker, and get through this day. ok. I start to open my locker when some random guys approach me. I recognize a few from some of my classes, but cant put a name on any of them. what do they want?

random guy 1: hey fag!

A: hi.

oh. guess they aren't here for math homework then. ill just ignore them. Brittaney didn't tell anyone, so I guess they're just in the mood to be rude. whatever

Random dude 2: so you admit you're a fag

A: no, I just figured you'd call me that no matter what I admitted.

Random guy1: ok smart guy. look at you in your pink hoodie

A: for a straight guy, you seem to have been staring at it for an awful long time. you wanna know where I got it?

Random guy 1: shut up fag! Brittaney told us about you and your little boyfriend!

A: what?! no. no- you know what I don't have time for you guys.

"just don't spend too much time in the hallways."

makes sense now. they wanted to be the first to beat up the fag. great. just gotta act chill. luckily I'm in a popular band, so if I act unbothered enough, they might leave me alone.

Random dude2: open your locker

A: yeah I plan to.

what? it was way too small for them to expect to push me in it- so what did they want? I'm gonna die.

I open it up and they look fairly surprised. I guess whatever they were looking for wasn't there. then I grab my books and start to walk out. then a sunset curve flier slips out one of my binders. I don't turn to pick it up because I know I need to get to class as fast as possible.

Random dude2: whats this? a picture of you and your boyfriend?

then I heard a voice from behind me. it was quiet, so I couldn't tell who it was, but in case it was brad or something, I walked faster.

quiet voice: its actually a picture of our band. gotta problem with that?

Random guy1: awww are you here to protect your little boyfriend?

then I heard a loud sound, like a punch. oh crap. I start to almost run, then someone slips their hand in mine.

L: come on! braedyn is temporarily out of action, and his lackey ran away.

that was Luke. <3 :)

A: I thought Brittaney said she wouldn't tell anyone!

L: yeah apparently she lied. you have a copy of your schedule?

A: no- but I can write it down.... why?

L: im gonna walk you top your classes till I can shut down this kinda-very-true-rumor.

A: ok. are you gonna be ok?

L: I'll live.

A: I can get to class myself y'know.

I hand him the messy copy of my schedule

L: I understand that, but if these guys catch you right before you get to class, they'll drag you somewhere and hurt you and then ill have to murder them.

I'm happy for you. (julie and the phantoms) (sunset curve)Where stories live. Discover now