Star Wars and broken hearts </3

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Bobby pov

after breakfast, luke and Alex left and Britt and robin . leaving me and reggie with a car and a hotel room. this'll be fun...

the ride home was quiet- I hate how awkward we've been around each other lately. he's more relaxed around robin- a COMPLETE STRANGER. ughhhhhh

we both sit on the couch and I decide to break the silence.

Bobby: so... whats up?

R: hm? nothing really...

Bobby: c'monnnnn why won't you talk to me? did I do something?

R: no you- you didn't do anything.

Bobby: then why are you avoiding me? since you woke up, you've practically been hiding from me!

I needed to know. I just wanted t get to know him, and for some reason, it made me really sad that he was ignoring me.

R: I had a rough morning ok?! can we just drop it? god.

B: ok...

now he hates me for sure. what do I do to make him forgive me?

why do I care?!!?!!

Reggie POV

what do I say? what do I do??! ugh. I've literally never been this nervous around someone I like before.

well yeah, but you've also never woken up literally cuddling someone you like on a couch- especially a straight guy you're supposed to be friends with!

Bobby: reg, I know you said we should drop it, but can you be honest with me?

R: about what...?

oh god he knows! DOES HE KNOW?!!?! AAAA!!!!! HE TOTALLY KNOWS!!!!!

Bobby: are you mad at me? cause I didn't mean to upset you and-

R: no!

yes! he doesn't know!

R: no- I'm not mad. just awkward.

why'd I saw that?!?!

Bobby: and.. if you want to talk about whatever happened this morning.. I'm here.

R: really? thank you...

I hadn't lied, my mom just told me my dad left- only for a while, to blow off some steam. they've been fighting a lot lately and it sucks.

he walks up behind me and puts a hand on my shoulder. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!

Bobby: no problem. I wanna be there for you. its weird to think we're both in a friend group thats been through so much and we barely know each other.

R: yeah... I defiantly wanna get to know you better....

reggie that is not where his eyes are, pull yourself together.

then he walks away and sits on the couch.

Bobby: lets watch something!

R: ye- yeah sure.

I sit by him and dude no joke puts his arm around my shoulder. why are you doing this to meeee????????

we start watching star wars- apparently its bobby's favorite too, and start telling bobby about my conspiracy theories about every character. I thought he'd be annoyed by now- Luke always is, but I looked at him and he was just looking at me, smiling.

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