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Luke POV

we drove to Alex's house in silence- except for Alex's occasional nervous glance. we were almost there, but at 4:16 my mom stopped the car at the side of the road.

E: I cant just act like this kind of thing is ok. you're 16! both of you! -in high school!

L: mom I'm sorry! can you please yell at me after we drop him off?

E: no! both of you are in the wrong and I know Alex isn't getting punished at home-

A: ....you- you told them...?

Alex looked like he would cry- or puke. if she told them hes in so much trouble! we could just grab our stuff- our instruments and bandmates and run away. yeah-

E: of course not! I know how your parents would react! they are wrong to believe you cant love another male, but YOU were BOTH wrong to- you know!

L: sleep together?

E: yes!

L: you cant even say it! mad your son ended up with a guy?

E: you know thats not what this is about-

L: then what is it about mom? you act all supportive as long as I'm dating a girl but-

E: this is not about you two being boys this is-

L: yes it is! I used to sleep over at Brittaney's all the time- you loved her till I said I didn't-

E: because I trusted you! I see now that wasn't a good decision.

L: probably not.

silence. she starts to drive again and no one says a word.

We dropped Alex off- thank god my mom didn't say anything to his parents, then I was alone in the car with my mom.

E: you know I can't believe you. I'm just so disappointed!

Wish she would just ground me already

E: i'm not going to ground you though. I need time to think up your punishment. I'm just- so disappointed.

L: yes ma'am.

E: I don't even know what to say to you right now!

L: sorry ma'am.

this is gonna be a long drive.

when we got home, I went to my room and called Alex, then reggie, basically telling them I wanted to hang out tomorrow.

TheAnxiousDrummerBoy: how are you not grounded?!?!?

BiBassBoy: why would you be grounded? did you guys yell "fire" in the theater?

SleevesAreTheWorkOfTheDevil: no.. I don't think you wanna know.... but I'm not grounded because my mom said she's still thinking about my punishment. she's probably gonna tell me she's pulling me out the band- as always, and i'll just NOT do that.

TheAnxiousDrummerBoy: dude you're gonna get urself in trouble!

SleevesAreTheWorkOfTheDevil: it'll be fine. I found out about this party tmrw that none of those idiots from school will be going to-

BiBassBoy: how do you know?

SleevesAreTheWorkOfTheDevil: my friend- Cindy is having a "swag" party at her dads lounge. like a "secretly we are gay party." like a party I can go to with my boyfriend. sounds pretty frikin cool.

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