Authors note

193 3 5

( TW: Above is Artist I listen to most while writing this)

Thank you guys so much for your support, it really means a lot- I've been meaning to show my best friend my work, but I was really scared and so today I told her to go to wattpad and read it, but I didn't tell her who wrote it. I literally was SO scared all day, bc she is brutally honest, but she said she liked it!!!! her opinion means the world to me- like WAY more than anyone else and this was the best thing ever and yeah. I'm sorry I just had to happy rant :) for real though I woulda never showed it to her if I still thought it was just trash from the depths of my mind, and y'all helped me realize that it maybe wasn't so bad. thank you!

special thanks to @rmwlife247 for your nice-ness. my adrenaline frikin SPIKED when I realized there was someone enjoying this cr*p.

thank you to anyone reading this!!!!

Ooo also hi sofia ;) <3

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