Spin the bottle ;)

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Luke's POV

A: Let's go :)

We got ice cream and had an amazing dinner date which was (once again) cut short by our friends spam calling us, asking where we were. Ugh.

When we got home, they were all in reg and Bobby's room, waiting 4 us.

A: hey guys....

Reg: ugh what took you so longgggggg

L: stuff.

Reg: ew did you do "it" in the park?!?

A: shuttup reg. We just got dinner

Robin: good- we finished the Chinese without you.

Alex just rolls his eyes

A: whatever. We still havin a party?

Bobby: for sure. And we do still have some Chinese- who throws a party without food?

Britt: I got the boooooooozzzee

L: Britt!

She shrugs and walks away, already tipsy- that girl.

A: Luke I sweartogod

L: what? I didn't do anything!!!

britt (from the NEXT room): he didn't do anything!!!

L: see!!!

A: whatever stupid.

bobby walls up to us, looking nervous

bobby: ummm can I talk to you?

L: hm? me?

A: yeah you!

Bobby: actually- I wanted to talk to you...

A: mE???

Bobby: yeah.... do you mind?

A: no- no I just thought- never mind. whats up?

Bobby: I meant can I talk to you.... alone?

L: oh... I guess ill leave then. alright.

is it bad that I'm jealous?

Alex pov

soooooo bobby wants to talk to ME, but not Luke.... thats not weird at all...

we walk into bobby's room and he sits on the bed.

A: so... whats up?

Bobby: I need help.

A: with?

Bobby: reggie!!!! I don't know whats up. he hasn't talked to me since this morning.

he looks so upset- they need to talk more.

A: have YOU talked to HIM?

Bobby: well....

A: go do that dummy!

I practically push him out the door.

he's pretty cool. I'm really happy reggie got together- to are getting together - I don't know right now and I doubt they do to be honest. whatever. I'm gonna go hang out with my boyfriend, because I've had my fair share of drama, and the two of us deserve a holiday.

I walked out and everyone's sitting in a circle with a bottle between them. not thiiiiissss ugh. now I have to watch Luke kiss people. I hate this game.

I join the game, sitting beside Luke and giving him. quick kiss- is that- then I see the bottle of vodka in the middle of the circle.

A: luke? baby, what're you drinking?

L:............. water?

I knew I tasted alcohol on him. friggon idiot boyfriend.

A: are you sure?

L:....... noooooo.... fine Im having a little bit of vodka. ill be fine.

I just pout till the game started.

britt: I'll go first!

A: why are we even playing this? we all have partners. this feels cheater-y

Britt: it'll be fun! beside, they'll be a lot more jealousy.

why is she smiling???? I don't wanna do thisssssss

first round, britt spins and lands on reggie. uh oh

Bobby's pov

my sister- who is dragging all of us into her stupid game, spun the bottle and landed on MY crush-who-recently-kissed-me.

and now she's leaning forward to kiss him.

she just kissed him! right in front of me!!!! for like, multiple seconds! and he kissed back!!!! now Luke and Alex are laughing at robin and I for being angry. I hope one of them gets picked next.

Britt: ew! I've got cooties!

R: no offense britt, but your brother's a better kisser.

Britt: EWWWWWWW!!!!!

L: y'know *laughing too hard* if you kiss someone who just kissed your brother, you technically kissed your brother... *laughing WAY too much for that joke*

Britt: *puking noises*

next reggie spun, landing on Luke. aw hell no.

Luke then proceeded to move away form HIS boyfriend and WINK at reggie. then they kissed- but not the normal spin-the-bottle-kiss. they started making out.

Luke pov

reggie spun, and the bottle landed on me. this is hilarious- wonder how pissed we make bobby. I winked at him, so he knows I was planning to do, and then proceeded to kiss him for a good 30 seconds. reggie started laughing- almost as hard as me and we ended the kiss. when I pulled away though, i noticed an extra angry dude glaring at me- as in, not just bobby. shit my boyfriend!!! I stopped laughing.

in an effort to make him less pissed, I hugged him and said

L: yeah Alex is wayyyyy better at that.

he shrugged me off and pouted. reggie laughed harder.

L: what're you laughing at? your boyfriend looks pissed too!!!

thats when he stopped laughing, blushes and turns to look at bobby.

R: we're not- we-

A: they're not official yet.

Robin: *clearly has been drinking wth their gf* YET! why not just ask him????????

Bobby started to blush and reg climbed into his lap. I'm so happy for them!

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