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TW: kidnapping, mentions of murder/hate crimes, self harm, and r*pe

as you probably know, I love misnomers. have fun

Luke POV

I woke up in a dark room- a different one, not like the one on the train. it was dark and gloomy like a really beat up basement. I try to get up but my hands are cuffed behind me. crap. I'm so very tired of this. anyone have a blade?

L: HELP!!!!

the brad walks out of the shadows. I hate how scared I am right now.

Brad: shuttup fag!

L: are you gonna kill me?

Brad: not yet.

oh god. think positive Luke. at least you won't hurt Alex anymore you won't hurt anyone anymore. shut up! They'd will be hurt if I die here. I can't let that happen. I can't die yet.

so I did something I hadn't in a while. I looked for a way to stay alive.

L: well what are you waiting for?

Brad: I don't know. she won't let me kill you yet.

L: you know this is like WAY beyond bullying right? you don't have to listen to Brittaney ALL the time. she's clearly a psychopath. you don't need to-

he just laughs like a sarcastic-

Brad: yeah ok.

then he walks out.

what do I do?!!? do I just wait here for them to kill me? oh my god. so I sit in the darkness and plan my escape. there's gotta be some way out of here!

Reggie's pov

Alex is right. we have no way of knowing if he's even alive. but we have to look. we have to at least try! I know hope is important, but it seems pretty hopeless, looking at Alex hyperventilating on the floor, knowing theres nothing either of us can do. I hate this.

Bobby: what do we do?! do we call an ambulance or something?!?

R: no- no. we just need to give him a second. you guys pick up some food or something. I'll stay with him.

Bobby: ok. we'll be right back... be careful- someone might still be here.

R: id like to see them try something.

they messed with my family. they hurt Luke. they did this to Alex. i'd kill them.

bobby and Brittaney get in the car and drive off.

R: hey man. its gonna be alright. we're gonna find him. they're not splitting us up EVER. you're my family.

R: please Alex. i don't want to lose my family- you gotta snap out of it, or I'll lose two of you. then I- I don't know what i'd do.

R: please Alex. you're stronger than it. you've gotta fight it. I know you can. snap out of it for me. please.

the whole time I had talked to him before, he didn't seem to hear me, but this time, he clearly looked up at me.

R: you can hear me! you don't have to respond if you don't want- or if you can't. I promise though. no one is spilling up our family. so do me a favor. once you're ready, get up and eat something. we need energy to find him.

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