Starbucks runs and dysfunctional parents

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I know about both of these ^

I think this merits a tw: talk about being disowned for being not cis/het

also the video bc its fuckin hilarious and its about bands

sorry for disappearing for forever :/

robin pov

I woke up wrapped up in brittaney's arms- this is amazing. this is the best family I've ever been part of- my dad disowned me after all. not like I could tell anyone that- they'd just pity me. why am I focusing on this right now? I'm being hugged by Britt, surrounded by a bunch of awesome people- I just need to ignore that feeling. I lay back down, then I see Luke pop up

Robin: g'mornin

L: you just scared the crap outta me-

Robin: keep it down- you could wake 'em up

L: yeah lets go somewhere else

so we got up an snuck out of the room and into the kitchen down stairs.

L: so... how'd you sleep?

Robin: good- how bout you?

L: I'm good-

now its awkward.... great.

Robin: kewl....

L: yeah.......

L: anyway...... want something to eat?

he turns around and starts pulling stuff from the fridge

robin: sure....

Luke starts mixing some seemingly random shit in a bowl while I stand awkwardly and watch.

robin: do you... need any help..?

god why did that sound so awkward!

L: ummm.. not really- actually, can you help make eggs? ooo and we need to make a Starbucks run before they wake up- if they don't get a cup each, they'll just chug Red Bull and that CANT be healthy-

robin: umm sure..

so I pull out some eggs and work on that for a while.

soon enough, I was finished with the eggs and the smell of whatever Luke was making filled the kitchen

robin: what're you making?

L: waffles :)

Robin: I lOve waffles

L: I know. Britt told me. :)

well thats really nice...

L: alright, lets go get that coffee.

robin: ok-

he grabs me by the arm and half pulls me to the car- how in the hell is he so awake right now?!??!

L: c'mon i wanna surprise Alex :)

thats how. cool.

we get in the car and Luke steps on it-

Robin: if we get a ticket Alex is going to kill you-

L: everyone in that house would kill me- but we'll be fine :D

Robin: alright....

L: so how're you liking LA?

Robin: its really cool. 'specially after my dad disowned me, it was awesome to have a family ;like you guys to be around.

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