Happiness :)

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TW: mention of kidnapping, murder and a vivid description of my latest panic attack projected onto an unsuspecting character. :)

Alex POV

We drove for hours. We drove till the sun came up and I thought Brittany was kidnapping US. Then, At about 5:30 we just- stopped.

A: are we here?!?

B: well, we're at the train station.... Luke might not even be on this train... I doubt Mary would-

Bobby: it's a lead. Let's follow it.

B: I just really doubt that Mary-

R: c'mon.

We get out the car and walk into the station. Only one is missing.

R: the missing train- is that her dads?

B: yeah... maybe he's using it....

Bobby: Brittany-

A: ok. We'll follow the tracks, and when we find the train we find Luke.

Bobby: I'll try to call him.

Brittany: I'll call the police- we probably should have done that a while ago.

A: Reggie and I will bring the car around.

So we split up. I hope bobby can reach him. What if he can't? What if- no. No no no no no no no. Positive vibes. Everything is gonna be alright.

R: Alex?.....are you alright?

A: yeah I'm- I'm cool.

R: are you sure? Because it's totally reasonable to feel emotion- a lot of it when your boyfriend gets kidnapped. Literally everyone else has had a mental breakdown- and we didn't have that kind of relationship with him.

A: let's just find him.

R: Alex-

A: we can talk about this AFTER we find Luke.

R: Alex it's not healthy to-

A: shut up!!! Don't tell me what's healthy. I'm so done with everyone in my life telling me how IM supposed to feel. My parents and my teachers and my classmates and now you!

R: Alex-

A: stop it! Leave me alone. We're gonna find Luke.

R: ok...

Brittany POV

Brittany: you know her! Mary didn't do this did she? She couldn't have-

B: hey sometimes people we think we know do bad things. It's not your fault.

Brittany: it is! She told me she would kill him for hurting me. She said it and I laughed and THANKED her. I thanked her. She'll kill him because of me.

B: Brittany it's not because if you. She's a psychopath and that's not your fault. Besides, we have no proof she's even hurt him. He'll be ok.

No he won't. We both know he won't. I'll be happy if he lives. I should've known. This IS my fault. Now if I want him to live, I have to call the police on my best friend... is it bad I don't want to? I don't want her to go to jail I- I don't know what I want.

Alex POV

We drove back to them on the road closest to the tracks and they got in, both looking pretty upset.

Bobby: no answer. Voicemail- I'm guessing Luke's not ghosting us.

Brittany: and I called the police- he hasn't been missing for 24 hours, so they don't care. Especially since he left a party that was less than dry and has a history of "going missing."

R: god.

A: let's just follow the train tracks.

R: are you sure that's the best-

A: don't make me drive Reggie.

R: good plan. You're completely right.

He says I drive like I'm drunk and schizophrenic

So we drive some more. I wish we didn't leave at 3 something, because we have no food or drinks. After like a million hours in the car, the road stops and we see a forest. Luke was in a tree!

A: let's go check. He said he ran off the train and into a tree right? C'mon!

We all burst out the car- we all want to find him. He could be sitting in a tree waiting. But what if he fell out? Makes sense why his phone would go to voicemail.... no. No no no no. He's alive. I know it.

We checked, but every tree seemed to be empty. We screamed, but no one answered.

A: he's not here.

R: hey-

A: he's not here. He's not here reg.

R: I know... it's alright. We're gonna find him. You know that better than anyone.

A: I- he's not here. What if he's dead? Then what reg?

R: he's NOT dead.

A: reg- don't lie to me. Do you think he's dead?

R: listen. it's always a possibility, but I doubt that-

A: what if he's dead?!

Oh how I hate tears. Sucks to suck though because the tears I hate so much are currently streaming down my face. Great.

Bobby: Alex-

A: he's dead isn't he?

Bobby: we don't know that. Besides we owe it to Luke to at least look. We can't just give up.

He right. He's so right. Luke's- Luke- I can't- why is it so hot? And why is everything so.... dizzy? I can barely stand up straight.

A: reg?

R: ...yeah?

Those dot things are back in the corner of my eyes. They just multiply. They get more and more till they cover my entire line of sight. I can't-

I sit down by a tree. The shade feels good against my 5million degree skin. But nothing else feels good. I kinda zone in and out and just try to take deep breaths. I almost don't notice Reggie trying to comfort me. I can't hear him though. It hurts to breath. Am I dying? Maybe Luke died and his last request was to see me again- maybe Brittany is behind this and she poisoned- I can't form coherent- coherent- coverage- what's coverage? Why? Maybe I'm dead.

i'm sorry I cant write a decent panic attack scene. I cant ever seem to put it in words, and thinking hard about it puts me in a really bad place. so they're choppy and pretty bad. soooo yeah. thanks for all your support. I couldn't even dream of putting myself out there like this if you guys didn't show me so much well- support. thank you <3

oh also I apologize for the misleading title, I'm obsessed with misnomers.

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