Batman and Robin

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Luke pov

its getting late and still no Alex. I'm getting worried. I called his phone and there was no response. I'm going to die. what if he's hurt? what if he's been kidnaped- that was the wrong word to use. now Im crying and I can't tell if its out of worrying about him, or- past experiences.

I walk to reggie and bobby's room to see reggie curled up beside bobby while watching tv.

L: bobby?

B: what?

L: do you know where Brittaney and Alex are? its getting kind of late...

B: no- I thought they were back

L: no... ugh! were could they be?

B: chill out man! he's probably hanging out with Brittaney in the lobby, trying to get us back for getting slime in their hair.

L: I don t know... he just doesn't do that sorta stuff. if Alex is gonna get me, its not gonna be something that wouldn't work if I fell asleep.

then I get a text.

TheAnxiousDrummerBoy: hey I don't have a hotel key- could you let me in?

SleevesAreTheWorkOfTheDevil: yeah I'm coming.

I run to open the door and I feel surprisingly good- Alex says crying makes you feel better, and I've never believed him so whole-heartedly before.

I open the door to see Alex, Brittaney and someone I've never seen before....

L: hey babe... who's that?

Alex looks at me, then pulls out his phone

TheAnxiousDrummerBoy: we're not dating and I'm not talking to you till I can get every bit of slime out of my hair, you jerk.

L: nooo Alex!!!! Britt tell him to talk to me!

TheAnxiousDrummerBoy: she's not talking to you either.

L: ughhhhh!!!!! random stranger?

Random stranger: I'm Robin- robin smith.

L: yes! at least someones talking to me! I'm Luke. come in!

robin starts to walk in and Alex tries to walk in behind his new friend but I block him.

L: sorry, but only my boyfriend and my friends are allowed in my room. if you're neither-

he rolls his eyes, hiding a smile and pushes past me, pulling Brittany in too.

I walk in and close the door.

L: soooo.. how do you know these two?

Robin: well they were walking around Disney land with pink slime in their hair and on their clothes. I had to ask.

L: fair. I would totally approach two hot people walking around with slime in their hair too.

Robin: what I didn't- I-

L: you didn't have to. Alex is mine, but Britt's single

I wink at robin and robin blushes

Robin: no I didn't-

I laugh a little

L: its chill. I've dated both of them- I know they're hot. I mean, theres no hiding it- you came home with them.

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