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this happens after Luke tells the others about the plan- I'm not writing that convo because I don't feel like it and I'm god. :)

Alex pov

L: so we need to pick a date, send the info to everyone we know, and hopefully invite the people who put together last years real pride-

britt: I can arrange the last two parts, you guys figure out the date and stuff.

robin: im gonna help Britt.

why are they sitting on luke's lap like that?!?!?

britt and robin leave, but I'm still salty about how Luke just let them curl up in his lap!!!! thats MY chair not robins.

L: Alex are you alright? you seem- I dunno just weird.

A: I'm fine.

L: ..........are you sure....?

A: positive.

L: dude just tell me what I did- you're so obviously upset

A: I sAid I'm fINe.

L: are you sURe? because if you kill me, its technically a hate crime-

A: shuttup stupid.

reg: aw get a room you two!

me and luke at the same time: shuttup reg!

reg: jeez! chill out! bobby, tell them to chill out-

Bobby: im not getting in the middle of whatever is happening here.

Cindy and liz just laugh

A: lizzzzz this isn't funny defend me from my stupid boyfriend!!

Cindy: if liz is with you, am I with Luke?

Luke: wait no does this mean we're fighting? what'd I doooooo??????

A: ugh don't talk to me.

I know I'm probably being dramatic, but what if they're together? like behind my back or something?

Luke somehow made his way to me without me noticing and hugged me so tightly I couldn't breathe.

L: baby, just tell me whats upsetting you.

A: fine. what were you and robin doing in the room earlier?

L: Alex!

he just starts laughing

A: don't laugh at me!!!

L: im not! im not, I just- robin? they're like my sibling!

A: I knowww......

then he kisses me :)

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