Alex Johnson?

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see above video for when Luke starts singing :)

luke pov

We finally got out (don't worry we took the ice cream) when the couple from before walked out the ice cream place behind us.

Lady from couple: Alex?

what do we do?

Lady from couple: Alex Johnson?

wait who? Alex spins around, and Reggie and I follow suit.

Lady from couple: oh! I'm so sorry, I thought you were someone else.

Man from couple: I told you it wasn't him- I'm sorry kids- wait shouldn't you be in school?

L: run boys!

we took off, all of us laughing like crazy people and we didn't stop till we got to my neighborhood.

A: should we really be going to your place? won't your mom be-

L: my mom will be mad no matter what. its probably better I'm up front about it anyway.

I realized reggie was being kinda quiet.

L: what do you think reg?

R: I don't know... my mom's at home too so maybe we should go to yours Luke.

L: the reggie have spoken!

Alex laughs, but before we go to mine, we stop at a park to eat our ice cream.

Alex makes a noise I can only assume means he likes the ice cream. dang. I want to be the reason he makes that sound. what!?!?!? no! I just like when my friends are happy because of me. I just wanna buy him more ice cream or something so he can be happy like this and not like how he was this morning.

R: dude this is really good!

L: wow it actually is! I'm pretty awesome for taking yall there huh?

they just laughed :( I'm just kidding. it was a lot of fun. especially cause there was no one else at the park.

Reggie finished and went to throw away his plate and alex just stared at his sadly.

L: first of- how'd you finish so fast?!?! and second- Alex you know you don't have to finish that right?

A: I know, I just-

L: no! remember what what I said? no accepting or having to deal with it- no "sucking it up"

A: are you sure?

L: dude. just throw it away and we can get going!

A: ok um-

L: oh and throw away my plate- please :)

A: sure!

I watched as he walked away, and I didn't even notice reggie walk up to me.

R: so you and alex huh?

L: wha- what?! whats that supposed to mean? Alex-

Reggie just laughs and walks away

L: wait! reggie-

R: whats up?

L: hey I'm sorry for snapping at you- I know I-

R: its alright. we were all pretty shaken up

L: thanks. but what did you mean about me and Alex?

he looked at me really confused. like REALLY confused

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