21. The Drug

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"like the drug has finally been injected into me, I shivered as I let that heat out...."


I am not sure if Pete understands the concept of Heat, It feels like I am laying on the burning charcoal and he is taking his time with my skin. I am trying hard to keep calm and let him do whatever he wants, but that burning, it feels like I am melting into it and it's not an enjoyable experience. 

Everything Pete is doing is only seducing me more, like I am not turned on enough he is groping at my chest now and he hasn't even made any attempt to take our clothes off. I have been anticipating to feel his skin on mine, may be that would help the tornado in me calm a little bit but no Pete hasn't got to that part yet... He is just still enjoying himself with all our clothes on. I know I am strong enough to rip every thread off our skins in a blink... but the words Pete said kept ringing in my head... "Kao, I don't want our first time to be anything but perfect... " and I don't want to act on impulse and ruin it for him.

However it has become really hard for me to hold myself... he was sucking and pulling at my neck... my tender neck... and I bit my tongue to stop my hardon from twitching with his every action. At a certain point it was overwhelming , I couldn't stop myself from stopping him and pull him in for a violent kiss. 

I sucked and licked at his tongue showing how desperate I was tightening my hands around his head. When it didn't show much results... I adjusted and nuzzled his clothed member with mine making it clear than day that I did it purposely. That made him suddenly break the kiss and pin my shoulders to the bed with his strong hands. 

I saw his eyes turn a little red and jaw tighten, I just screamed Yessss..... in my mind. We both are breathing heavily our chests heaving. I watched him crack his neck looking dangerously hot before leaning down to my ears and whisper... " You shouldn't have done that...."

The next minute it was like a hungry tiger was attacking me making my buttons fly all around the room, the next thing I know I was naked. I felt Pete's teeth on my thigh as he bit hard and then slurp on it, it made me continuously quiver...  My anticipation reaching the peak I raised up and balanced myself on my elbows, but I couldn't see anything, because my eyes are blind with alternating pain and pleasure jolts Pete is sending up my thighs. The jolts only fueling the lava in me, I moaned forgetting shame... "Argghk... Argh... Pete... that's enough... Argh.. Please..." My legs are twisting in all the directions to escape the weird torture but his grip on them is tight as he moved towards my little guy with every bite. 

Those bites started to feel like the exit points for my pain... they are making it all bearable... they are making my heat comfortable...  I don't want Pete to ever stop. When he reached my member, he gave it a full lick with the same intensity that I fell back groaning. 

He now moved to grip my hips in position and enveloped my tip in his lips sucking and licking mistaking it for an ice cream cone. And he was the kid that missed his favorite Ice cream for months. My head twisted in all directions mimicking his tongue on my tip, moaning. He did it till I lost it all and shoved my self into him, he is such a masochist. 

Thank god for he gave in atleast then... Making me ooze the pre-cum, he took me in till the base, his tongue teasing my bulged nerves all along and showing me blue. He repeated the actions as I kept shoving myself into his mouth, my desperate harmones making me sweat all over. When I started convulsing, he involved his hands as well blowing me at a blurred pace. I tightened my hands in his hair giving him the cue. All the heat in me concentrated at the base of my member like the drug has finally been injected into me, I shivered as i let that heat out into Pete's mouth. 

It felt like I have been released from the chains that have been holding me since decades. The fever has been suddenly cooled down and sweat beads are spread all over my skin. I couldn't stop the smile spreading on my lips. Pete wiped his lips trying to catch his breath. He is such a player, first he makes me desperate then blows me like the queen of blow jobs, I needed to avenge. 

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