4. Light and Heavy

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"Did anyone ever tell you that you will make a great boy friend...."


Just like everyday my body clock was on point, i stirred still eyes closed as sleep slowly crept out of me. And unlike usual i felt warm and comfortable, making me lazy to get up. I slowly opened my eyes to check the surroundings and confirmed that i am indeed in Kao's room.

I didn't have to check the time to know that it's just 5:30 in the morning, or look out the window to conclude that it is still dark. I was on the bed and I don't feel Kao anywhere  around me. I slightly lifted my head to look for him and found his face just right there at my face level, he was deep in sleep but he was facing me sitting on the floor just his elbow supporting his head on the edge of the bed. If he moves even a millimetre, he would fall on his face.  The dim light in his room is making his face shine at me and the smile spread on his lips made the scene look like the main actress introduction scene in a budget movie. I chuckled at the thought.Looks like he got my drunk ass to the dorm last night and fell asleep staring at me.

Just then the chilled air gushed through the window and Kao curled closer into himself, I quickly got up and cleared the bed then tapped him to wake up. He did not react at all. I had no choice to lift him up in my hands and shift him on to the bed. He snuggled as soon as the warm blanket hit his skin. I noticed i have been smiling and shook my head to run to my room and freshen up.

I reached the ground for practice on time and had to call DREW and GREEN, my two best friends, for atleast 20 times before there hung over heads reacted and dragged them to the practice. I was pretty happy with the progress and enthusiasm that the juniors were showing. They are just six months late to join the team but still for some reason we called our selves seniors. Our predecessors appointed me the captain before they left and it was a big deal, So it would all be my fault if anything goes wrong, hence i am glad that everyone is behaving and concentrating. It has almost been four hours of running around when Drew finally said
"Please Pete, It's there first day, let's stop it already and I am so damn hungry if we don't get something to eat this minute I am gonna faint" 
The dramatic dragging of Drew's words made everyone laugh.
"Okhay... Everyone great work.. let's convene again at 16:30?" I said walking towards the entrance where as a tradition at the end of practice the team high fives the captain.
I heard groans, sighs and may have even heard something in the lines that i am punishing them and not training them. All i did was ignore, there were certain expectations from the coach when he left me in-charge for these five weeks while he was away on paternity leave and by all means i have to meet those expectations. Plus I believe Foot ball can't be just a game, it has to be passion, atleast that is the criteria i have for anyone to be in my team, If that is true, no one should complain even if they are asked to play 24/7. If my juniors are not feeling the same, then i might have to think of designing the practice sessions to be more fun.

Green and Drew joined me as the rest high fives us and headed towards the changing room. 

I then turned to my friends and started excitedly "Guys, Come on I will show you a new and improved way to...."

Green cut me "Pete, Please not today, My stomach is seriously growling like it's housing a starved lion."

I sighed and nodded.

Drew then held both our shoulders  dragging us with him "Great!, Let's go I need some coffee to calm this headache and some really hot soup" 

We were at our usual breakfast place just outside the uni gates joined by two other friends Blue, Green's twin brother and his boy friend Anton. 

"I can't believe how light weight you are Pete" Blue commented reminiscing the scenes from last night.

"Seriously, how can one faint just after two bears, you are weird" Drew exaggerated  showing two of his fingers.

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