47. TN1920

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"..........................they were inseparable....................."

"Uhmmm..." Kao moaned uncomfortably in his sleep as his headache didn't subside.

A secure arm came around him hugging him... "It's okay, It's going to be okay babe" Pete kissed Kao's forehead in an attempt to calm him... "Sleep!"

Kao nuzzled into Pete's shoulders and fell into slumber comfortably. 

A few hours later Kao stirred in Pete's embrace, Pete immediately asked... "Are you up Kao? Let's eat something"

"I am not hungry!" Kao whined

"Come on Kao, I am starving" Pete tried again. 

"Please Pete, just two more minutes, Don't get mad at me, Please don't get mad at me" Kao repeated.

But everything was only happening in Kao's mind and Puy was only able to sigh every time Kao murmurs Pete's name in his sleep. All the five days went by the same, Kao would occasionally wake up ask about where Pete is or why he is mad? And as if he knows he won't be able to bear the answer anyway he falls asleep. Dr. Intou has taken Kao's blood samples to identify what kind of drug was Kao injected with but he hasn't called with any news yet. 

Once Ock was wiping Kao with a wet cloth when Kao woke up, and Ock was not surprised when Kao pulled him and hugged him tight saying... "Pete, You are not mad at me anymore right? I told you I can't take it if you give me silent treatment, Please talk to me Pete"

To be honest, everyone was puzzled, Including Puy. Kao is a Probian, it is not easy to drug him, he can smell danger from a mile away, So they needed Kao to wake up and tell them what happened. But it was fifth day and a Wednesday and Kao still seemed to be fairly intoxicated. Puy was reading in a chair by Kao's bed when she heard Kao's phone ring. She checked for the caller ID and her blood immediately got hot seeing that it was P'Mish. She cut the call. But it started ringing again, this time she couldn't control her rage, she picked it... "Hello! Kao!" P'Mish greated from the other side. 

"What is it' P, Did I miss picking Kao's coffee cup ?" Puy asked with rage filled voice. 

"Sib? Sib, is that you?" P'Mish sounded surprised.... "what cup? Is Kao with you?"

"Why do you care who Kao is with anyway?" Puy's anger only seemed to be growing

"What do you mean?" P'Mish asked confused... "Kao is doing okay, right?"

"Well, If you mean apart from being drugged and heartbroken and out of his mind, then Ya he is doing really okay" Puy growled and cut the call.

In under a minute, Puy's phone started ringing, she saw it was P'Mish calling her again, she contemplated picking the call for a few seconds but when she saw Kao stirring from all the noise, she immediately picked it... "What do you want P'Mish?"

"Did you just say drugged Sib, Are you saying Kao was drugged?" P'Mish was concerned

"Yes, Don't tell me that you don'y know that your brother wants nothing to do with Kao anymore" Sib now said equally confused

"What!!!, that's impossible, Sib, we are talking about Pete and Kao here, That is never going to happen" P'Mish stated

"Well, P, It has happened, Pete has said those words right to me... I am not sure why you don't know that Kao has moved out though it has been five days, but yes, it has happened" Puy explained

"Okay, I still don't think it's possible, let's talk about it later, but what do you mean Kao was drugged...?" Sib now asked almost sounding she is about to experience a panic attack

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