8. What! No!

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"No two persons think alike, So then how can they be together, Well..."


I woke up to the soft breathing, it's become my new routine. Waking up too early even before the Sun and watch the view on my chest reminiscing all that happened the previous night. My fingers adjusted Kao's hair gently to give me the better view of the sleeping beauty, it's my morning meditation, admiring him in the dim light, it gives me peace and energy i need to get through the day. Today we will be leaving here, I am not sure what i would feel for Kao after we separate, once i am alone, I can't wait to find out. I kept thinking everything, and especially about what happened last night. I was both ecstatic and skeptical. We kissed, Kao kissed me, it means he wanted that too right, but then we never talk about it, i never asked him if he was okay with us getting intimate, i was afraid he would say no and i have not been able to control myself around him. Even now i am hot just from starring at his unbelievable beauty. It's making me nervous, i have been barely talking to him, only when necessary, waiting for him to initiate that conversation and tell me if i need to stop but he has been acting normal like nothing is out of order or changed. So, i had to stop last night, i couldn't kiss him without asking, though i did a lot more,  it would haunt me my whole life.
However that kiss, it came when i least expected and knocked the life out of me for a second, and the next second it felt like a drug, the drug i am used to smuggle and can't stop having. We kept kissing to a point that we didn't even know when we fell asleep between kisses. Now, i want to kiss him a very good morning and do it every morning.

I was alerted by the seeping Sun light and noises of shifting bodies, I had to neglect the sudden sorrow that made my fingers week as i slowly shifted Kao off me and left his side. I am not sure at this moment everyday why i feel like someone has locked me in a dark room and is crushing under a stone, making it impossible for me to sit idle, so like last four days i washed up and wore my shoe to go out for a run. Only sweating could make me feel  little better. I ran till i couldn't stand but the uncomfortable feeling i am feeling deep in my mind still didn't settle today. I sighed realising only talking to Kao openly would help me at this point and returned to dorm.

I was washing my sweaty face at the taps when i saw Kao walk into the washroom with only the towel around his waist, my eyes went wide with angst. Was he doing the same last few days as well... I felt like dragging him into one of the showers and show how jealous it's making me, only i am supposed to see him like that. But all i could do was keep washing my face acting like i didn't see him there at all.

We gathered for breakfast before departing, i waited at our usual place for others to join and Kao was the first one to reach the table. He sat across me which made me frown, he normally sits beside me. I let it go as i smiled, we need to talk.
"Hey Kao, Good Morning..." I exclaimed. He didn't lift his eyes as he scrolled through his mobile.

However i continued "I just checked with Prof, and as expected our report was the best, Our win would be announced in the annual fest"

He is not even nodding, i am yet to see his smile today. Green and Drew then joined us and i couldn't continue pestering Kao. I had to talk to him though, so once the breakfast was over i signed Green and Drew to leave us alone for a while. They obliged gladly and went ahead to help load the luggage back into the bus. 

Kao was about to follow them when i caught his hand and pulled him back to sit, I then went on to sit beside him.

"Kao... I am Sorry..." His eyes shot up and they are glaring now.

I just continued my blabber, I have to tell him otherwise i am not sure i can breath comfortably again " I know i should have asked you first, get to know what you like and don't like atleast, But I don't know why i just keep loosing control around you... I am really really Sorry.... Just don't try to avoid me... I won't touch you again if you don't want me to..."

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