38. I am Yours

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"You are unbeatably talented at owning me.."

⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️Smut warning  (Involves bondage, Do skip this chapter if you are uncomfortable with the topic) ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️


I sighed as I stepped out of the elevator. I am just returning from the library, apart from practicing for the tournaments, I am also working on my last year thesis project. Its  frustrating that we are not allowed to use our probian energy for things like these. On top of that I am in heat, I badly need Kao but I wonder if Kao would have any energy left for me. He has completed his project a semester early and has started working since last month. And as expected of him, though he is still making sure he gets home before me, he is always tired and sleepy. 

Kao didn't say he will be late I thought switching on the lights, it felt weird, coming back to a dark home, I didn't even realize how bright my life became after Kao came into my life. 

I turned towards the living room and I almost screamed from the scene infront of me, Kao was tied to a chair. He was trying to come to his senses, struggling to open his eyes to the light. My eyes went wide and my limbs worked fast, I ran to him almost gliding on my knees and  I gripped his knees shaking them...

"Kao... Kao... Are you okay? Who did this to you?" He was naked apart from his shorts and the view is giving me wild ideas at the back of my mind, Damn this heat, which I tried hard to ignore.

"Finally..." He sighed lowly. I frowned and went on to untie him, my hands hasty. 

"No... Stop..." He instructed and my hands froze when I finally recognized the smell. It's the smell of burnt candles mixed with a whole lot of pheromones. I bent a bit to smell Kao better, did he put on my perfume?....

"Kao... what happened here?" I asked looking into his tired eyes.

"What do you think?" He asked me back. 

"Please don't tell me you did this to yourself to surprise me..... " I pleaded on my Knees still gripping his knees.

"Uuuu..." He couldn't sound any tired.

"Are you telling me you were waiting for me like this while I was stupidly stuck in the library working on a mere project?" I asked as regret of being late started to crush me.

"Uuummm..." He moaned, that sounded like a 'please' rather than a 'yes' I raised my eyes to him just in time to see him lick his lips. 

My eyes dilated as I reached those lips, Kao was still tied and there is no way I can control this heat anymore. My grip tightened on his thighs as my tongue craved for his taste. My breathing got heavy from all the anticipation. But I felt like Ice cubes were showered on me when Kao moved his face away. 

"Kao..." I half growled, half pleaded. 

"First, Can you get the remote from the table and switch it off, I feel like I am gonna pass out soon" his faint voice didn't let me comprehend what he meant for a moment. I noticed that he was red as ripped tomato everywhere and I could see his erect member getting uncomfortable under his shorts. I turned to the table and saw a remote on top of it, I was beyond surprised when I noticed that it's the remote for a butt plug. 

"Wait, Does this mean, I mean, Kao, You have a butt plug in you?... Shoot, I am never coming home late ever again...." I looked at him excited and he was looking at me lazily, his head was hanging back and he kept heaving without a sound.

I stood up and went for the remote. The turned on view of him and the fact that I have the control of his ass made my heat jump to it's heights and take over me.

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