18. Skepticism

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"..that is what is your tomorrow gonna bring you, Me and assurance...."


Pete disappeared as soon as classes ended saying he needs to meet the coach for a bit. Since his practice for the day was cancelled he asked me to wait for him at the dorm and he will come pick me up so we can go together and decorate our new home.

It has been nearly two hours and he is still no where to be seen. The Sun is about to set and I started worrying that we won't be able to get the work done in time. So i texted him to meet me at our new apartment and left on my own. He hasn't seen the message or reply back. I was holding on to the assumption that he is still with his coach discussing some strategies and I know now how the sport excites him to the core and makes him forget everything else.

I sighed on my sadness as I dug the key out of my pocket and inserted in to the key hole. I am not sure why I am soo tired before even starting any work, I might just crash here tonight. The door opened to darkness as expected since the Sun was set and there is no light to brighten my sullen mood. I slowly dragged my feet around searching for the light switch which was right around the shoe stand. After scrambling for a good 30 seconds I flicked them on and the whole room brightened up blinding me.

"Surprise...." I heard a loud cheer and saw Blue and Ant first, Ant clinging onto Blue smiling. Green and Drew chuckling like they are hiding a smirk and Pete was right there standing in the middle of the room smiling his beautiful smile which never failed to infect me with dopamine.

I shook my head at him smiling as he walked towards me.

"Did I worry you again?" He asked smirking now.

"Hmmm..." I sighed... "Not funny at all you know..." I complained letting him hug me as he opened his arms.

"I bet you like my surprise though...." He stated. I closed my eyes as I tightened my arms around him feeling his warmth, letting him heat up my cold skin that went numb from the chilly evening wind. Letting all my skepticism drift away.

"I would like it better if you plan with me than for me in the future..." I murmured into his shoulders.

"You got it... " He laughed as we broke the embrace and I looked around. Others have scattered around the room doing whatever they are doing and i observed all the furniture has been arranged as we discussed the other day. The Curtains and covers are all spread around and I could see all the surfaces like they have just been made.

"Guys this is.. this is a lot... Thank you so much..." I said addressing everyone my hand still in Pete's.

Green shrugged... "there are five of us so nope, it wasn't a lot... we are glad we could help... but..." he narrowed his eyes Pete... "I am not sure how much Pete has done all on his own which is twice of what we four could do..."

"It's amazing how much you can do when you are determined... " Ant added.

It's not Pete being determined, it's just Pete being, Well, Pete... but I couldn't say that out loud. It still surprised me that Pete let him self out before his friends just to do all this for me. I couldn't help but look at him fondly... He raised a eye at me... I leaned in and pecked him on the cheek... "Thank you..." He smiled wider and took me towards the dining table.

That is when I saw how much food and how many beers were stocked up on it. I widened my eyes.... "I thought the Party is tomorrow..."

Drew shrugged... "It wouldn't hurt to have a pre-party to kick start..."

We are just moving in together and we have already made it a big deal. If anyone asks who we are to each other, I have nothing more to say except for roommates. I am not sure how it is gonna span out, how many more layers of Pete that are yet to be pealed, what his Sister and Brother-in-law are expecting of me, what am I expecting of them, Will i ever get a chance to introduce Pete to my Family, the evening has stirred so many confusions in me. While in the middle of the party, I excused my self into the balcony to sort out at least the questions I have, Coz answers, only time can give them.

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