44. Reassessing

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Quick reminders: ( Since it's been long )

- This is a story of Probians who are an evolved species than Humans
-Each Probian have their unique heart beat and are much more smarter and powerful than Humans
- Pete is a light weight, He gets drunk easily
- where as for Kao, He is a heavy weight and it's hard for him to get drunk
- Mish is Pete's big sister, She is a rich and successful business woman
- Ram was Mish's fiance, they are now married
-Sib(or Puy) is Kao's big sister and is also a business woman
- Still it would help you to follow the story better if you read the previous chapter again  before continuing


".... a 100 million bucks is not even worth a Minute with you..."


It is indeed the cruilest punishment ever. It hasn't even been half a day and my hair is all disheveled. I woke up to his smile I couldn't kiss him. He cooked a delicious breakfast i couldn't even moan out a joy moan as i enjoyed it. He declared that he is driving us to office in the brand new car and i couldn't protest. 

I straightened myself in my chair as I saw Pete walking towards my cabin.

"Hey, So I saw you ordered a gift for Mish and Ram, you can go pick it up, I will take over for you in the afternoon meeting..." He said and passed towards the meeting rooms. 

I already have someone to pick it up... I thought to myself as I sighed, Guess now i will have to do it myself. 

"Kao, Did you hear?" One of my team-leads, Ria beamed barging into my cabin.... "Pete has approved the hike..."

I weakly nodded at her. 

"You knew..." She widened her eyes... "Damn... this is huge, We need to celebrate..."

I nodded at her "I agree.... It's Friday  anyway, So can you pick a place for dinner and get required budget approvals from the finance team...."

"Umm..." she hesitated "But you generally just call up Pete for such approvals...."

I sighed... "We are streamlining everything from now on, Let's go by the book...." I managed to answer

"You are being odd, is everything okay between you two?" She asked curiously

I gave her a genuine smile... "Ya we are good, don't worry..." I assured her... "Just go and book a venue for tonight now will you?, I can't wait to celebrate"

She nodded excitedly and dashed out announcing to the whole building about the party.

I drank a lot that night but too bad I couldn't get drunk. Pete made sure he is in check of how much he is drinking and still looked tipsy by the time the party ended.

I wanted to offer to drive when he called for a driver, but I couldn't. He was clingy and smoochy on our way back but all I could do was sit and endure it like a heartless tree.

"Kao.. Kao..." He pouted at me and his eyes were blood shot.... "Why are you being so greedy?" We were on our way home when he held my collar... "Is this fun? Hah? Is this fun to you? Being all nonchalant while I am pouring my heart out here, Do you remember, Do you remember you used to be so upset that I always leave home before you wake up, I understand you now, I understand why you were so disappointed in me  when I was only trying to be a professional, What I don't understand is, Why are you doing the same to me? Are you taking revenge? Is that it? Are you still upset with me that you want me to taste the same disappointment." We already reached home and I am trying to walk him to the bed.... "I am sorry, I am really sorry that I made you go through it, I understand how much that hurt you now, So can you stop? Please stop your revenge Kao, Love me more than you love this job, Love me more than you love your revenge, Will you? Please Kao, I beg you..." He held my face requesting and that was my limit. I ran out of the room and fell on to my bum in the corridor, I couldn't stop my tears from flowing out and I am not sure how long I cried there hugging myself. 

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