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"You mean the fact that your heart goes haywire everytime you look at my lips..."


We were riding a bus to the place Pete wanted to take me, He told that we will be there in less than 20 minute.

He was sitting right beside me, the afternoon Sun glistening on his tanned skin and perfect features. Now that he is sitting really close to me, i could see every detail. His eyes they are sculpted to hold oceans, his nose, it can make every artist that sees him feel inspirational, his lips, no one can have those lips naturally, they are in a perfect heart shape, my heart started thumping as i stared at them imagining them imprinting on mine. I didn't care what anyone would think, I kept starring at them, I am fine as far as he doesn't notice. My mouth watered and I licked my lips involuntarily.

"Kao, so what are you going to do for the break are you going home?" He asked turning to me and my eyes suddenly flicked to his eyes which are now boring into me.

I gave myself a few minutes to recover before replying "Aaaa... No, It's just a week, I am gonna stay and get a head start on the paper I promised to do for Prof.Herty."

He nodded with understanding. "Nice, The team is also staying back as we have a lot of newbiees to train, Feel free to drop by the ground anytime you wanna say 'Hi' "

"Sure thing!" I replied ofcourse i was gonna drop by even if he doesn't say, his visuals are my stress relievers.

"Cool, We are almost there, what would you like to have, Grilled pork or fried shrimps, the two dishes the places is famous for" He asked getting ready to get off the bus.

I followed him "You are treating, I am gonna try both" I said smirking.

He chuckled "Okay then, It's a real treat" Wow... I didn't think he would straight away say yes, there is a lot I need to know about the guy, I realised.

The place was neat and cozy, the kind of place you wanna drop by after tiring college as a student with your gang and chill. The kind of place where you can just sit and enjoy the ocean view and no one would really ask you to leave till you do. I immediately liked the place, the smell, the ambiance, the air everything was inviting.

"From the dimensions of your eyes right now, I take it that you like the place." Pete asked sitting opposite to me.

"Ofcourse, I do, This is a great business idea, arranging Cozy beds on the beach and serving food in trays" I exclaimed. He chuckled.

"And you wanted to eat at our canteen and grill yourself under the air con in your room" Pete sounded sarcastic.

"Hmmm.... I will have to do it eventually, It's not like we can live here our whole life" I answered back rolling my eyes.

Pete just smiled and layed himself down on the bed and faced the ocean. The umbrella above is keeping the Sun away but the beads of sweat on his head proved that it was not that cold a day. I wanted to taste those beads, blow some minty air on the shining black air that can make him relax.

I realised I was staring at him again when a friendly voice greeted us "Hey Pete, Hey Pete's friend, I am Kira, what do you want today Pete? The usual?" She asked him for the order.

"Yes Kira and also a plate of grilled pork and fried shrimps for Kao here, He wants to taste your signatures" Pete answered in the same friendly tone. She nodded and left only to return with two servings of lemonade the next second.

She handed one to me and placed another on the stand like thing on Pete's side, like she knew he was not gonna get up and take it from her hand and left with a smile.

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