52. The Help

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"You have never made me laugh, You made me cry tons....... Why do I love you this much, Why am I addicted to you to the point that I feel like I can die for your touch....."

A/N: Umm... So I guess the only way to describe this chapter is that it's a rollercoaster with smut, KIndly proceed with caution

"Now, don't you blame me for what you did" Pete's deep voice got even deeper

"Why can't I? When you can do it, I had nothing to do with what happened, I was a clear victim, Aren't you still blaming me for it? Then it's only fair for me to blame you too for letting me do it, FOr letting me go alone that day, For not trying to find till that late, For I am yours" Kao shouted back without realizing how loud he was getting.

Pete's ears only rang not letting him comprehend any words. The Heat, rage, and disappointment mixed were confusing and frustrating him. He slammed the table as he stood and the next split second his door was slammed.

Kao looked in the direction Pete left trying to breathe normally controlling the tears threatening to flow out.

Pete was in his room all alone, he generally heard Kao at some corner of the house doing his stuff, that's how he had survived these past dreadful days though they were living in different rooms. But it's been hours since Pete heard Kao do anything. Neither did he hear Kao leave the house. Pete was growing anxious by the minute with the silence. It terrifies him the most, the silence, the proof that he was left alone. This time it was even more unbearable for him as he knew Kao was in the house, there was no way he wasn't and not being able to listen to him do anything and not being able to guess what Kao was up to for so long was too much for Pete. Because it meant Kao was purposefully avoiding him, which never happened before. Pete was scared to the point that he was drenched in sweat proving that there was no way he could get over Kao ever.

Pete could feel his heat getting severe, He had never spent his heat alone in years after all. Every millimeter of his body was tingling and craving for touch, but it was the silent denial from Kao that was driving Pete insane. What was Kao thinking, why has he not been bothering Pete anymore? The questions kept piling up as Pete tried hard to calm himself and his body. He broke things in the process and there was no reaction from Kao. He shouted his lungs out Kao was still nowhere to be heard.

"KAOOOO!!!!" Pete yelled gripping his head soaking in sweat and hormones and hunger. Kao didn't barge into the room to check on him.

A few minutes later, Pete tried again... "Kao, this is scary, Where are you?". No answer was heard.

Did Kao really leave? The question his brain asked hit Pete like a trauma. Suddenly he started having difficulty breathing. He ran out aimlessly to every corner of the house to confirm that Kao was still with him and that Kao would never leave him. It was embarrassing but Pete didn't care. His breath only tried getting back to normal when his eyes met with Kao's.

Kao was simply sitting at the dining table filled with empty beer cans, a can in his hand half empty.

"What do you think you are doing?" Pete asked frowning once he could find his voice.

"I am trying to get drunk, but it's not working," Kao said with a straight face

Pete slowly came and sat across him... "Why?"

"Because you didn't eat the breakfast I made for you" Kao blurted before gulping down the remaining half can... "Damn, my belly is full now, But look I am as sober as ever, maybe I should try Whisky"

"Kao that's two crates of beer" Pete calmly pointed out

"Ya, Sorry, I drank all of it, Did you want a drink?" Kao asked casually

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