51. The Ego

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"...  Humans or Probians, ego can ruin us all...."

"For him to get used to living without me" Kao mumbled, P'Mish and Puy looked at each other dumbfounded. Pete's head snapped up. Ofcourse he could hear Kao from the study, everyone knew that. 

Puy was the one who sighed... "I never thought of you guys as the drama queens, But look" she shook her head disappointed

Kao's shoulders slumped... "What else am I supposed to say? I don't know what I should do except give him time. He knows whatever happened, happened because of a stupid drug, Not because I don't love him, But he has been looking like he has been struggling even to look at me, So I had no choice but to decide to give him some space and time."

"Hmm.... Now that's a better answer" P'Mish agreed... "Maybe being a bit distant might make him realize that this is reality and not a mere dream. To be honest you guys are an ideal couple, You made everyone jealous, and a relationship like that can turn toxic with time. So it's good that you are giving him and yourself some space and time, It just makes you a normal couple"

"Haan finally, I was really sick of you guys sticking together all the time, If you cook he wants to cook too, If he is reading you want to go read too, I mean come on, You can spend a minute or two without each other, You are not going to suffocate" Puy added

P'Mish laughed at that.... "Puy has been wanting to tell you that for so long"

"Pete we found the guy who drugged Kao that night" Suddenly conversation from the study interrupted them

"Really P', Did he confess why he did it?" Pete asked eagerly

"Hmm, It was as we expected, Kao's cousin was jealous and wanted to make Kao suffer,  he succeeded, You made him succeed," P'Ram said with a straight face.


"What? You are making Kao suffer just like his cousin wanted, Aren't you?" P'Ram's voice was tinted with disappointment

" I am not doing anything because I want to" Pete murmured

"Why are you doing it then?" P'Ram questioned

"Pete, P' , Lunch is ready" Kao called interrupting their conversation

" Kao, stop interrupting, I am doing this for you," P'Ram said walking into the dining area

" No, P', I know you are doing it for me, But let me handle this myself, Please" Kao requested

All the three elders sighed.

" Let's eat" P'Mish stopped the conversation and started passing dishes. It had been happening a lot, despite all of them being smart, they had to end the topic without a conclusion.

Another couple of weeks passed, and Pete didn't let Kao sleep in their room nor did Kao stop making Pete frown. At the breakfast table on a Sunday Pete stopped eating mid-way and turned to Kao... "Why are you doing this? Why are you not being yourself?"

Kao took a deep breath, he had finally made Pete talk... " How can I be myself with someone who doesn't love me"

"That's not true" Pete blurted immediately

" Well it definitely seems so, You asked me not to sleep with you, that's literally like asking for a break" letting out words felt good for Kao. Holding on to them was weighing him down... " We haven't touched each other for almost four weeks now, I don't know how I am to convince myself that I still have a boyfriend"

Pete's eyes went wide... "I thought you of all would understand me, That... That image of you... under someone... I..." Pete stuttered and struggled to utter the words

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