22. The Addiction

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A/N: You know it's still smut and an exclusive one at that , please be warned....

"......I am drowning deep into the Ocean, nothing to feel, nothing to see, nothing to hear, but I don't wanna come up, I don't want to be rescued, I am happy to live in this ocean...."


Just his tongue and I am back to square zero. I thought the blow job earlier calmed me down but naahhh... I am boiling again, all over like I am a firework that was just lit.

Pete's tongue is all over my neck as his body kept rubbing over me in continues motions, I am a quivering mess. My hands are pinned to my sides by his and his knuckles might soon break from the amount of strength I am gripping them with.

"Peete..." I moaned with stuck breath with difficulty as he ran his tongue up to my jaw.

He caught my moan in his lips pushing into mine... I caught his lips with desperation forcefully releasing my hands and wrapping them around him. We would have looked like two hungry tigers fighting for the prey, my fingers are scratching his back wanting him to be mine, willing to be his.

I gritted my teeth breaking the kiss when his hands carelessly gripped my hardened member only moving his hand delicately over it, his hot breath tickled my lips as he observed me for a second before slipping down my body, his breath kept teasing my burning skin as I watched him move down my whole height till my foot. Once there he gripped my foot in his two hands and licked circling my ankle bone, I wriggled my foot away from him to loose the sudden weird fluttering that crept up to my chest. He only ignored my reaction as he moved to the other leg and repeated the same action. He moved rather hastily kissing and sucking where ever he could reach using more his teeth than lips. I was shuddering  as butterflies fluttered on my skin with his every action. 

When he slurped  my adductors soothing the bites he previously made, I started feeling suffocated, heaving and licking my lips unconsciously, my conscious completely concentrated on Pete's lips. 

He slipped his hands under my thighs and lifted them a little on to his leaning shoulders for better access when he reached my balls... "Goodness... Peetee..." I let out when he slurped on them hard. I was already leaking and in a different world. But I was back in this world in a nanosecond when I felt the same tongue on my entrance... 

"Ohhhhh....my....godddd..." I whispered through my breath as my legs spread wide for Pete to continue to give me the cold waves right in the middle of my heat. His tongue was sending chills up my spine to the tip of my brain. It made my chest small and fall short of breath. My torso muscles constricted and I gripped the blanket in my palms tight for support. 

It was like I am locked in a steam bath and someone left the temperature high but the ice berg I was lying on is not melting at all,  Pete's tongue kept intruding at my opening relentlessly, It seemed like he is literally eating me alive. I had broken voice box to even make a single sound and only hoped he would release me soon from the depths. 

After what felt like an eternity of desperation Pete stopped and pulled my legs wider just to run his tongue up my member to the leaking top. My whole body convulsed from the action before I could catch my breath. 

He continued his sloppy kisses moving up my pelvis and every where he touched it burned. He reached my belly button and continued playing with his tongue. Unable to bare it anymore I gripped his hair hard and pulled them making him feel the pain, pain that he is causing me with his every inch of delayed touch. 

I should have anticipated the consequence though, As a reaction he bit my belly so severe that I won't be able to move that muscle without being reminded of him atleast for the coming month. Before I could recover from that sudden attack, I was soothed with his finger. It just entered me out of blue and I arched into it having no choice... "......." I opened my mouth wide to let out a pleasure scream but nothing came out. 

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