12. The Crazy Sister

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"You can never really  know anyone, how can you, when you can never  really know yourself....?, all you can do is, take the risk and hope it will pay off."


Pete just dragged me to the couch in the center of the living room, which was pretty comfortable and bouncy, he then held my hands and asked " So, Do you like the house?"

"Like...? I love it, I always dreamed of a black and White themed home, But how much is the rent? I will have to start planning my budget..." I asked looking around the room once again, now that i am going to live here it looked more beautiful and cozy.

"Zero.." Pete shrugged.

I chuckled...." No way... Though you know the owner, she would have atleast asked to pay a minimum rent if we are going to live here, Pete don't forget who you are talking to, Okay...?"

He rolled his eyes "I know exactly who i am talking to and it's true that we don't have to pay any rent because it's ...." He was cut by his phone this time. 

He tsked and took the phone... "Seriously?" he spat into the phone.

"Yes, seriously, How long am i supposed to wait?, my nerves are bursting here..." A sweet female voice said on the other side of the phone.

"Mish... !!!... Where is P'Ram... Let me call him... He will take care of your bursting nerves" Pete almost shouted into the phone.

"Peetee... He is right here and he is more tensed than i am... Just tell us quick ... What did Kao say?" I heard her asking, the last words more smoother than the rest.

Pete sighed at my glare then switched on the speaker for me... "You just ruined our moment, He wants to pay you the rent though" Pete's voice was full of sarcasm.

"What...!!, Is he still there...? OO damn... But that means he said Yes right... he is gonna move in with you isn't it..?" She asked again for confirmation.

Pete didn't reply, he rubbed his hair with frustration at her  question, like he is trying hard not to burst out... so i intervened... "Ya... I said Yes..." The words came out awkwardly.

"Kao... Oh my god... Kao... Is that you...?" She beamed.

I was actually confused, she must be the senior who owns the place but why is Pete not calling her P', 

"Krab P', But we can't stay here for free, We will atleast pay the minimum rent..." I saw Pete stifling a laugh as i finished the sentence.

"Hmmm..." She said..."Kao... Will you do me a favour?" She asked, her tone suddenly turned helpless.

"Yes P', What is it?" I asked curious. 

"Can you smack that idiot before you as hard as possible, for me?" My eyes went wide at her request. 

"Mish... Stop over reacting, Let me talk to P'Ram" Pete asked calmly.

"Kao, Please just smack Pete, Otherwise i will have to sleep with mosquitos tonight, Balcony is not comfortable at all" I heard a male voice this time.

"P', he already smacked me with his lips, so don't worry... Now can you guys leave us alone" Pete was shameless and i was blushing again.

"Pete, Just tell Kao everything and call us back, Otherwise your sister is gonna eat me alive here with just her glares" P'Ram requested, Your sister?

"Okay... Okay... Just let me call you back " With that Pete cut the call.

I was furious all of a sudden, we have barely started and he is already lieing to me. Did he really think i wouldn't find out that the house is his Sister's.

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