48. Don't You Know!?

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"I do" Pete answered... "Oh! trust me I know... Hell, I can tell his mood from the rhythm of his breath ...."

"Hin, what is this like a kid, Stop crying" Puy held Kao fighting back her own tears. Afterall Kao is the one she loves more than anyone in the world. 

"Kao, trust me, We will sort this, Once Pete realises it's all a misunderstanding it will all be over" P'Mish assured

"And that is why I need to go meet him P, Please take me to him" Kao asked holding her hands and requesting. 

"Okay, Fine, We will go meet Pete" It was Puy who answered.... "But not like this, You need to change"

Kao looked down at his shorts and T-shirt... "Okay, Let's drop by the house then"

"No, I have all your clothes here" Puy showed him the cupboard... "Go freshen up"

Kao looked more disappointed as if he could... "Why did you bring all my clothes, Puy?"

"Coz As I said Pete asked me to, Now go" She ordered

Kao was raged, but he chose to keep quiet so he could get out of there faster. 

He picked whatever pair of clothes that first caught his eye and headed to the washroom. 

As soon as Kao was out of ear shot, Puy turned to P'Mish... "P, Let's go!"

"What! Puy, Kao will never forgive us if we leave like this" P'Mish restrained

"I don't care P, But if he meets Pete now, He won't be able to forgive himself," Puy said and P'Mish couldn't agree more. 

"But leaving him alone, That is not a good idea," P'Mish said concerned 

"No, Ock is on his way, It's okay, Let's go, I have a lot of questions for Pete" Puy dragged P'Mish with her and locked the door leaving Kao behind.

 As they drove, P'Mish filled Puy in.... "Ram is there with Pete, Pete looked, well, I can say worse than Kao. When I got there this morning, Didn't seem like he was eating or sleeping or breathing like he should, So I asked Ram to stay back and try to talk some sense into him, He did say that he was betrayed and that he never wanna see Kao but He was saying that more to him than to us"

When they got there Pete and P'Ram where sitting in a meeting room, lunch boxes unopened before them. 

As soon as P'Ram saw his wife he shook his head... "He is not eating, I tried everything"

Pete looked up and saw his sister and Puy, his eyes went wide... "P'Sib!"

"Hi Pete" Puy murmured, as angry as she was, the way Pete became half of what he was couldn't let her be angry, Not to mention big black circles around his eyes that were covering half of his cheeks.

"P' listen, I am really sorry for what I said on the phone that day, I didn't mean to take it out on you" Pete genuinely apologized

"I don't care Pete, you can take it out on me whenever you want, But did you ever think what would have happened to Kao if he heard those words?" Puy asked taking a seat. 

Pete just looked down and kept silent. 

"Anyway" P'Mish broke the silence... "Pete, tell us what happened that day, last Friday?"

Pete still kept silent. 

"Apparently they, Pete and Kao had a plan to have dinner together" P'Ram started answering instead.... "Pete waited for Kao but Kao didn't get back even after midnight, Pete having no choice tracked Kao down using GPS"

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