37. The calm after the storm

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"Damn, Your smile is hurting my eyes now...😣"


"So how did Blue like your surprise!" I asked Ant at our lunch table.

The so called Football team including Pete have left us alone since they had to be the judges for tge try outs of new football team.

Ant smiled and blushed a little..." Well, I am sure you had a better night than mine, You were so clingy that i thought you wouldn't be able to walk today" He mocked me.

"I wish, But we couldn't do anything like that, My stupid ass insisted on cooking and we had dinner after midnight, So we couldn't do anything more and just sleep, Pete had training again this morning" I sighed.

"Are you sure it's not beacause you were still sore from morning..." Ant chucled and I rolled my eyes at him 

" Anyway,  what are your plans now, I am sure that try outs will go on till dusk..., So we are free for the afternoon" He asked

"I am not, You know I am never free, I need to make some progress on my project, I am planning to complete it as soon as possible, Since i decided to start working next semester.. " I explained

He nodded..." So are you going to the library?"

" No, I am heading home..., I need to first make a plan to start on research" I said and Ant and I parted ways.

A few hours later, I had My Laptop, Pete's Laptop, A pile of books, Pete's Ipad, Pens and White papers all spread around me, trying real hard to make progress on my project when I heard a loud crashing sound kicking me out of the trans i had gone into because of  too much information being dumped into my brain at one go. 

I looked at the window and saw that it's already dark outside and a bad rain was pouring, With lightening and thunders crashing down all around me. I, as on cue, walked to the window and watched the falling ice cubes decorating the roads and buildings real fast and disappearing equally faster. Another loud rumble and i jolted into reality. Pete!, where is he? why is he not home yet?, Damn it Pete. I ran and picked my phone to call him. As expected, i was not able to reach him, either his phone ran out of the battery again or the storm affected the network. But I am not interested in the reasons right now, Pete, Where are you?

I thought fast and dialed Green's number. Luckily he picked before the fifth ring.

"Green, Green, Can you hear me?"

"Yes, Kao, I can hear you loud and clear, Please speak slowly" Green retorted.

"Where is Pete? Is he with you?"  i am still shouting.

"Pete? He left to home, Didn't he reach yet?" Green asked equally worried now.

"What do you mean left? I called to ask him to stay at the dorm today, How did he leave?" I was too frustrated.

"On foot" His voice was low but i heard it.

"What the hell Green, How can you let him do that? Do you even see how badly its pouring" I yelled

"I know Kao, I tried to stop him, He didn't listen, I gave him an Umbrella and rain coat though, He will be there soon" Green said, hoping clear in his voice.

"I am gonna come and kill you if he doesn't show up at our door in next five minutes" I am fuming.

"Kao, Please calm down, He is our captain, There is no way this mere storm can do anything to him, You are being paranoid" Green tried talking sense into me. Ofcourse he would, He was not the boy-friend sitting at home waiting for his Pete to return home amidst storm, was he.

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