10. I want this side

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"It was hot, it was wet, it was luscious, it was smutty, it was slutty, it was steamy, it was hazy,it was real and it was addicting...."


(Heads up guys, Pete and me are going to get a bit hot today, so skip the time if you are not into smut 😉)

I was struggling hard to kill time when i heard the knock. It was 10min to 6 PM and i am gettting annoyed with every passing second. So i stomped irritated to the door, and my chest fell to relax when i saw Pete flashing his teeth at me "Ready?"

I could say he was looking his best, the black shirt and cream trousers making him look like he is on a mission he would nail. I nodded and dragged him down the stairs with me.

"You are giving me the exact directions this time" I commanded as i started the engine.

"Okay Sir" he mock saluted this time chuckling. I couldn't keep my straight face after that.

We were there in less than 5 minutes, so i asked.... "Is this it?"

"Ya.. come on..." He said leading the way.

"We could have walked here you know" I said looking around the big reception  area of the building as we waited for the lift.

He shrugged "I wanted to get here faster"

"Why?" I asked stepping out of the lift.

He held my hand and led me to one of the condos, he then held the keys before me.."You will see" he said pointing to the lock.

I took the keys and opened the door, a beautiful white and black themed living room came into my view. Once i took in the room , i moved to the rooms attached to it, thinking one of them might hold my actual surprise.
But i couldn't find anything so i gave up frustrated, how long am i supposed to wait for the surprise, i sat on the bed in the master bedroom sighing just to see him walk into the room nonchalantly

The bed was soft, too soft that i might just get lazy if i sleep on this. I turned towards the window beside and I could see the setting sun. The pink sky slowly turning back to blue. 

"Pete! this is beautiful" I exclaimed and saw him smiling. 

"But why are we here, whose house is this?" I asked as Pete seemed to be pretty comfortable around here.

"Well... Ours, That is if you want, of-course"  I kind of didn't get what he said. I just stared at him blankly as he arranged the things on the night stand that seemed messy.

"I am asking you to move in here with me, the house is one of our seniors, but she is not living here anymore,  she asked me to take care of it so the house won't go wasted or worse haunted." I was still staring

"So i said 'Yes' and since i would hate to live alone, I want you to move in with me. " He paused to check my expression "You can move into the second bedroom if you are not yet comfortable sleeping with me and need space, I assure you that I won't disturb you more than you want me to" 

I kept observing the setting Sun, thinking.

And got interrupted when i felt soft but hungry lips on mine. As on instinct i returned the kiss. I wanted a sweet and teasy kiss but i was getting a deep and dominating kiss. So, we just kept fighting for our own ways to win, That is ofcourse lost by me when i felt the sweaty hands  burn my abs. His hands were impatient tugging at my shirt gripping at my waist like it's his stress ball. I moaned into the kiss from the sensations, all strange and fuzzy "Pheeete..."
"Shhhh...." Pete let go my lips and started at my neck. My neck bounced back giving him access, i don't have any control on my senses they are enjoying the situation too much.

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