13. Why ?

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"You make me want to give up on everything and jump into your world...."


I was ecstatic, i seriously didn't expect Kao would say yes that fast, I was prepared for bugging him everywhere so he would come live with me. Because I missed him soo bad when i had to be away from him, It was not even been ten minutes and i had this foreign urge to turn back, surprise him by showing up at his door, take him out on a date, buy him lunch, kiss him good night, watch a horror movie cuddled up or sit back to back and read a book, just do anything but with him. I didn't need any more time to decide i need him by my side and I had to tell Mish how strongly I am feeling about him. She was equally excited when i told her about Kao, how different he is, how beautiful he is, how smart and real he is, she immediately ordered P'Ram to go personally and get the place ready. He was unstoppable once he heard the news... he screamed and i quote..."I am getting a new brother!!!! I am  gonna take care of him with all my might!!!" Over dramatic couple, I know, but they said they are bored of having the same faces at home. I was kind of disappointed and also afraid that they might get there hopes too high, so i had to remind them that we haven't even started dating. But that now we are, I feel like i am flying, I didn't think I would be this eager to live with a person I barely know. Once we made the list of all the things we will need to buy, which by the way felt like what exactly what we should be doing sitting in the middle of our house, Kao's stomach grumbled. 

I smiled at him..."Let's get some food to calm the cats in there... Shall we?" I said squeezing Kao's hand, that has been in my hands all along, I somehow doesn't feel like letting it go at all. He nodded chuckling awkwardly and that made me want to kiss him, so i placed a palm gently on his neck and pulled him in slowly for the kiss. His lips slightly parted for me, just with the lips we kissed, it felt relieving, relaxing, like i am in a sauna made for me and me alone, like all the tiredness from living my whole life is being sucked out of me. I am not sure, if what i am feeling can even be real but for the first time i am willing to take the chance, I am not thinking about the outcome but only the process.

I asked Kao to keep the keys for the condo till we get a  spare key made, i had a feeling that he might need it more than me. "So, what do you want to eat....?" I asked Kao  as we walked to the parking.

"what do YOU want to eat? It's my treat today" he asked  back and that caught me off guard. Guess i prepared myself to take care and forgot to get ready to be taken care of. 

"You look like i just asked you to eat a live frog Pete...." He laughed... "Okay... I will surprise you, hop on"  he said taking the lead. I did what i was told, another first, It felt good and most of all i am confused again. 

"I thought you don't know the city much..." I commented when i observed him riding off into the night confidently.

"I don't...." His voice muffled with the air gushing past us at 70KMPH. 

"Where are we going then?" I asked again after nearly 30 minutes, not being able to curb my curiosity.

"May be here.... " He said coming to a stop in-front of a small but new and thematic Cafe and restaurant.

"What is this place?" I asked checking out the place, it is a chess themed restaurant, everything in the shape of chess coins and tables are all checkers.

"It's my first time too... So i will have to find it out with you...." He paused.... "Ooo look they serve Thai, Japanese and Chinese as well...." 

"So, if you don't know the place, why did you bring me here..." I questioned checking the Menu.

"And they have ice-cream and brownies for deserts too.... their signature is sizzling hot brownie.... I will get one...." He said to the waitress, ignoring my question completely.

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