28. Impulse

245 12 4

"....... I love making him mine....."

⚠️ Smut ahead


We were still sitting beside each other, chilled bear in our hands. The music is deafening but no one cared. The guy beside me is swaying his body naturally to the music occasionally touching my biceps.

"Why don't you go on the dance floor if you wanna dance?" I suggested

"Well.... You wanna dance with me?" He asked back looking straight into my eyes.

I just shook my head and he shrugged as he moved towards the dance floor. I know he chose a spot in my sight purposefully. I smiled.

He was moving to the beats and for my eyes its beyond heaven. Its like the music is playing from his body and not the speakers.

His eyes are getting more seductive minute by minute and It's time to exercise my self control again. What is it with this guy that is making me loose my shit every damn time.

He is too hot, too sexy, too seductive, too sensual. Its not just me, I can see the girls on the opposite table gawking at him. And i can't help feel jealous. I stood up and walked towards him.

Once i am near enough i tried to say as low as possible almost whispering in his ears....

"Didn't i say I am possessive of what's mine?"

"What's yours?" He whispered back, all my blood rushed into my head, But I am not the one to loose control.

"Wait till I show you" I whispered again before I lick and suck on his ears. I could taste his sweat. He is sweating all over, his thin shirt sticking to his chest making him more sexy at this point.

The smile on his face vanished and he looked at me questioningly.

I held his hand and dragged him out of there.

"Pete, My mobile and jacket are in there, Let me atleast grab them" He shouted as soon as he realized that we are moving towards the exit.

I just started moving fast, holding his wrist and urging him to keep up with me. I know there is a three star hotel just opposite. We crossed the road and as soon as I can see the receptionist I asked her

"Is any of your suites available?"

"Yes Sir, Which one would you like, The master Suite or the..."

"Any one would be fine, We will take it for the night" I passed her my Id and Master Card cutting her off...

She just nodded and I kept tapping my legs while she does what she does and Kao was just looking around, checking the surroundings. Ofcourse, He already got an idea of what's going on and I believe he is used to my methods and impulses by now. So, I have to say no one better knows how to play along with me. I turned around to see how far gone he is and damn his back view. I should avoid looking at him in public.

"Here, Thank you sir" The receptionist's voice interrupted my thoughts and I took the cards she handed me back and the keys.

"Send us dinner exactly after 90 Minutes, Will you?" I told her in a rather dominating voice.

"Sure thing sir, She smiled" and I was already moving towards Kao.

He lost his balance a little when i abruptly wrapped my hand around his waist but ofcourse i was there to balance him and we moved towards the elevator.

As soon as we are in, I pushed the button for our floor and dropped a quick message to Drew asking him to keep Kao's belongings safe.

He replied immediately with a confirmation.

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